What's the most significant advancement in your lifetime?

Life is moving so fast. There are technological advancements all the time. Some people here might remember not having running water in their homes. Then washing machines, televisions, cars, stereos, computers,cell phones, smart phones. The list goes on.

Beyond the gadgets, there are advancements in medicine. Flu shots, better hygiene, eradication of some diseases.

In your lifetime, what do you think is the most significant advancement that you think was a benefit to you and society in general?

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For personal and selfish reasons,You Tube.
The money and time I wasted looking for music I wanted to listen to was not inconsiderable.
Access to the world wide web for most of us I would think is the most significant advancement,not that it doesn’t bring it’s problems.


I would say the internet. And Youtube, plus Wikipedia, are the best. :icon_cool:


Computer technology…possibly.


For me personally i would have to say the Internet the vast amount of easily accessible information on
their is amazing, yes there is a lot of rubbish on their but you can soon sort out the good from the rubbish.

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1960 ish

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Definitely the internet, like many others would say.
Plus digital cameras.


Internet and Apps

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@Ted C, There speaks a sailor Ted !!:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
For me it is computerised machinery controls, which actually simplified the
machines when direct drive and DC motor controls became available ??
The internet and all that entails now has been misused and has become
nothing but an advertising medium imo ??
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

Nothing has changed, really, some stuff has expanded on a basic principal, that’s about it. :biking_man:

Just thought, don’t have to pedal no more, if I don’t want to. :laughing: :biking_man:

Well, yes.
The topic was significant advancement so you could say some stuff has advanced. But then there are also some step changes.

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So many aren’t there but I would say probably the internet has enabled so many other advances… has to be the internet

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Mobile phones . So handy in an emergency. The times when younger and car broke down or missed the last bus home or just needed help and the nearest phone box was miles away .

Make me feel safe


Oh , and SAT NAV being a person who has no sense of direction sat nav is my very best friend . She gets me there in the end

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That was all part of the “Night Out”, you never knew where or what situation you would find yourself in, instant communication would have been useful for the oldies back then, in case they had a fall, or needed an ambulance. :grinning: :biking_man: :walking_man:

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My age! :grinning:

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My waist! :neutral_face:


:rofl: :rofl:

Made me laugh

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Most definitely both of those :lol:

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