What would you buy if money were no object?

A cottage on the coast in Cornwall, a variety of fishing tackle, fishing kayak and a blokey type den in which to indulge my whims! :+1:
Iā€™m easily pleasedā€¦

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My imagination is not up to the task. Anything expensive sounds like so much work, even if only to supervise the people doing the work.

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This is why all well-run estates always employ an excellent estate manager :+1:

There is a large donkey sanctuary near Sidmouth in Devon. It is free to visit although they appreciate a donation. There are loads of lovely donkeys to see. My husband and I visited it a few times when we lived in Devon. Plus the fabulous ice cream shop in Sidmouth, dozens of gorgeous flavours.

You could probably arrange for them to adopt your donkeys and leave the Sanctuary a large donation in your will.


A long swimming pool about 20 meters, with a hot jacuzzi on the side.


Happy I am but Healthy I am notā€¦question answered

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I just realised that if I have to think about what I would do with all that money, I donā€™t really need itā€¦ :017:

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Yes, itā€™s not easy to think of things to spend money on.


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If money were no objectā€¦ Iā€™d buy kindness.

It is never advertised, you must go looking for it. It is very hard to find, never on sale, and often just a temporary thing with an expiration date you forget about until itā€™s run out.


Maybe move to where it is warmer all year around Na already got that with a nice warm bed. I have always wanted a Rolls Royce, not to go around looking posh but just the chance to sit and drive one. then sell it. We did have a big Austin Princess limo for when we got married but that is still not the same.
Travel would be well up on the money no object list as a first class passanger not as normal in a lower deck type

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Next to Morti donkey rescue farm, I would set up a rescue farm for dogs all sorts of animals and make it a respite place for family caretakers to get a break for a few days (sort of a rescue place for people too :slightly_smiling_face:). From that farm I would launch mobile spay and neuter clinics for cats and dogs.

No saint here, Iā€™d next purchase a very large yacht and airplane, so I could travel with my friends and family to every corner of the world. Iā€™d invite you all along, with plenty of crumpets on hand :smile:.


Now youā€™re talkingā€¦ :grin:


Start a new Spreadsheet!


Something tells me we arenā€™t imagining quite the same thing :018:.

You are still invited, but youā€™ll have to behave yourself.

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A magic wand !


We donate to sidmouth murphy, and have visited several times
We have adopted 2 donkeys, oscar and moses ā€¦

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Are you a keen fisherman chilli ā€¦?

How long does it take todo the worls cruise , is it 4months ?

Do you-remember RoyMo on buzz morty, ? he had 200 mules ,and 100 donkeys ?

Be careful what you wish for!

They ainā€™t looking so good on it! :wink: