What would you buy if money were no object?

For me? 1000 hectares out in the deep bush, with a River running through it.
A log cabin would suffice for the rest of my days


A house big enough for the five(inc dog) of us.Has to have all the facilities that two very old people can use.Prefer it to be a bit further away from town than we are now but not too far from the shops and GP. Not asking for much :grinning:


A ride on a :rocket: into space.


Bungee jumping not scary enough? :grinning:


That was just a starter :040:


I think I would buy an island. Also a big boat to travel back and forth to the mainland for shopping and food.

I’d also need to hire sailors, since I can’t drive, so that would cost a bit.

But yes a remote island would be fine, thanks.

Where do I sign?


A donkey sanctuary … with a comfy luxurious log cabin for me to live in and I’d just feed them carrots every day.
And, the biggie … figure out how to form a trust so their future was safe after I’d gone.


A little detached cottage , away from neighbours, away from light polution , with a small garden and away from busy roads .

If only


My mother always wanted one of those but it depended on my father winning big on the pools.


I always wondered where seaside donkeys ended up once they’re retired … it’d be nice for them. A bag of carrots, A big field.


A small holding, with maybe a bungalow so I have no stairs to negotiate. I could then live out my dream to own a pony or two, and Pygmy goats. I would also have built some cages and runs, with indoor accommodation, for Guinea pigs and rabbits.

Then there will be a veg patch, a manageable size.


A small property with sea views and a small garden.
Not much different to our static caravan with sea views and steam trains less than 30 foot away from us.
So…i shall have a re-think lol.

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Nah…can`t think of anything Bretrick.

There is a great property that I did look into buying about 15 or so years ago, but Mrs LD was a tad hesitant and with a holiday company also interested, I withdrew my interest.
IMO it would have been ideal for moving there with two of our daughters and their families, but alas, it wasn’t to be.
Haygrass House | Somerset Party House - Big House Experience

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A round the world cruise, and give the rest to my daughter and her hubby, they need it more than I do…

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Three villas overlooking the sea, one for me, one for my son and one for my daughter, then we would do a coast to coast trip in the States and visit lots of other countries, staying in luxurious 5star hotels.

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This caught my eye:



That’s a bit lavish… I’d get myself lost in something that big!

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Big but manageable. I like the coloured bathrooms, did you see the pics?


I got halfway through… Just gone back to check the bathrooms…yes they are pretty aren’t they…About the size of my living room, mind you, but I love the light coming in. The whole place (gardens especially) is lovely! And the staircase is to die for! I do like an ornate staircase