And if you could go back, would you?
I’m happy where I am now. Thankfully!
But If I had to choose a decade to go back to I would choose the 1980s, particularly 1985, 1986 or 1987.
And if you could go back, would you?
I’m happy where I am now. Thankfully!
But If I had to choose a decade to go back to I would choose the 1980s, particularly 1985, 1986 or 1987.
Without any doubt I would go back to the 1320’s
That Ant and Decade.
Blimey give her a bit of latitude…
No quarter, where time is concerned.
Starting earning money.It’s amazing how more exciting the world is when you’ve got it.
Fourth - :roll:
Definitely the 60’s… the music, the freedom, just starting work, and we could walk home in the dark…
The 90s. Lot of good times, love and laughter.
No question about it… the 60’s. The music, concerts, jobs were plentiful, rent was dirt cheap, groceries were even cheaper, and best of all everyone seemed happy and friendly. Especially the beautiful girls.
Tricky one.
I’d be tempted to say the 1960s because I was young, explored the world, having a lot of fun and the music was great.
It hasn’t been downhill ever since though - having kids through the 70s and 80s when the music was crap but I still had a lot of fun.
Every decade had its ups and downs
Yep the 60’s for me as well. Fighting off all the girls who wanted to ravish my body (I wish). Still knew a few girls before Sue and that is all I am going to say. No commitments such as mortgages etc, just had a great time.
The '60’s - sex, drugs and rock’n’roll … far out, man …
The ‘90’s! I moved to the country and found peace and in doing so , found myself
Wow, almost everyone said the 60s. I didn’t exist in the 60s, but it seems like an awesome decade! I would have liked to experience the music and fashion.
I can say what is my favourite 2 days of my whole life first if I may. First was May 6th 1989 when I married my wife, Annie and May 25th 1996, the birth of my son Peter. That said I would have to say my favourite decade was livingmy teenage years in Perth, Western Australia. I have raved about this many times before here. Sorry to bore. But whenever I feel down I take myself back to the sun and the surf. the partying at night by the fire on the beach with our guitars. Having my first kiss to the sound of the breakers and the feel of the powder fine white West Coast sand between our toes. I loved University and all the hard work and fun that went with it. But still, that decade from 1962 to 1971 was the best of my younger life. EXcept for one horrible night when I was 19 when I was beaten almost to death by an English skinhead. That fortnight in hospital and weeks of rehab was the sad full stop to that fabulous decade in Perth. That thug was caught and deported but he left me with some nasty scars. But that couldn’t diminish my dreamtime.
Oh, yes. And then some. The 60’s girls were healthy, clean, no tattoos, or weird body piercings.
You know what they say, “If you remember the 60s you weren’t there”
What in the world does that mean? Makes no sense at all.