What was your experience of changing to a Smart Meter?

Just done my daily spreadsheet update, nine days into this month and used £93.34 of energy, divided by 9 days = £10.37 per day X 31 days in December = £321.47 upcoming usage this month. Try working that out with KWH’s and units. :icon_wink:

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If only Netflix Documentaries were so useful. :icon_wink:


Morning all,

All fitted! Engineer took about 45 minutes for ‘hello’ to ‘goodbye’.
Have the SMART home display that is still waiting to be uploaded with account details. Apparently it takes up to 14 days.

However, their communication after the installation states:

‘…it can take up to 7 weeks to create your first bill after your meter exchange (but is usually much quicker). If you haven’t had a bill by 4th February 2023 contact us…’

So far, counting the days until the display works and we get our first bill!

Have great one!

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We’ve got the French EDF equivalent of a smart meter. I was not convinced it would make significant difference as we already took advantage of the cheaper overnight rate (hot water tank, dishwasher, washing machine all set for after 11pm use). And I already know the costly daytime use - oven, grill, electric heaters upstairs, hoover, etc. So with or without the smart meter these are kept to essential use. (Essentially I’ve pretty much given up ironing. Phew.)
Then EDF let us join a “red day” scheme by which they allocate up to 22 red days over winter. During the day electricity is three times (yes x3) more expensive on red days. But in exchange they give us a significant discount on other days, up to 30% less on some, and about 15% lower on all overnight use. The red days are the cold days when EDF see a risk of the national grid having too great a demand the possibility of brown outs. So by having a number of households greatly encouraged to stop all electricity use (who is going to pay x3) they reduce the overall demand. In return I reckon my bills will come down by 10-15% this year.
This scheme is only possible with the smart meter. I’m now a fan.

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We were at a relatives last week who was talked into getting a Smart meter but now regrets it. While we were there it kept flashing up that it might need moving to another area. he says it does that all the time and then you move it and it’s OK for a while then you get the message again. he says it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

I doubt that is the meter merely a screen showing what the meter is doing. Why don’t they just turn it off?


OMG, that meter is really Smart, it seems to be vying for pride of place, maybe it feels threatened by the television?


It might be flashing because it wants to join the conversation.

What is a phone app? I do not possess a mobile phone. Do I need one if I have a smart meter fitted?

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I ain’t got no apps, they are data swallowers, just my old mate in the downstairs loo, providing daily data for the spreadsheet. Here is yesterdays data about to be inputted :grin:

The positive side effect of the Smart Meter is, you can blame all the cognitive degeneration of old age on it :laughing:

Morning all,
I only look at the smart meter now when I have the constitution to take on the high cost per week we as a family, we seem to clock up! We have a new dryer which is more efficient, with a lot less time to dry the clothes. However, it still ‘eats up’ a lot of the electricity. Will probably go the way of our neighbours and hang the clothes out whenever the weather seems warm enough.

Doesn’t it give you the KwH used?

It does but that is inconsequential in this context, what matters is one day is comparable with the next cost wise, with roughly the same energy consumption, we don’t want any stealth increases do we.

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