What’s your favourite popcorn topping?

It’s a chilly day here today so I popped some corn as a snack.

This got me thinking. I hosted an intern missionary from the US a few years ago and he couldn’t believe that I pOp corn on the stovetop! He has only ever had microwave pOpCoRn! He said my way was waaaay better.

Do you pOp corn the traditional way or do you prefer the microwave kind?

What’s your favourite pOpCoRn topping?

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My son is a micropop tragic. Me, i like the traditional method. In fact Minx we are scoffing both kinds right now as we watch the olymps…Topping?..just a light salt sugar mix and butter.

I have only used a microwave too. I like the sweet kind, toffee, or salted caramel. I eat the savoury kind sometimes if I’m having a salad, and I have it to hand.

Believe it or not, I’ve never had popcorn in my life, what is it and is it fattening? :wink: :slight_smile:

It can be if you eat loads I suppose…

Traditional cooking method - have no need of a microwave. Usually serve it with a sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper.

Popcorn does contain carbs, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. One-fifth of the carbohydrates in popcorn are in the form of dietary fiber, which is good for your overall health. Popcorn is a good example of a high-volume, low-calorie whole grain. If cooked correctly, it makes a healthy snack.

I used to cook popcorn traditionally but don’t have it at all now after chomping on a hidden uncooked piece cost me hundreds of pounds in the form of having to have a broken tooth crowned.

Thanks for the information Pixi Knuckles and Silver Tabby. I’ve just had a search to find out what’s in it and how to cook it. I managed to find the website below which explains what it is but not how to cook it, I will have to investigate further. Also from the prices on here it’s not all that expensive is it, not much more expensive than the porridge I have for breakfast:

Baz, which planet have you been living on :hug:
I can’t believe that you don’t know what popcorn is :slight_smile:
When you’ve tried it out, let me know what you think Baz

Must be the sheltered life I’ve led, I simply do not recall ever having had anything like that. I do recall something else though that might have been from a similar era - candy floss. I’ve always had a reasonable diet, regular foods which I’ve had to learn about and how to cook them. I must have been doing something right, I’m still around! :wink: :slight_smile:

My absolute favourite! Such great memories for me.

Candy Floss brings back memories of the seaside and fun fairs.
Love toffee covered popcorn

Well at least I recalled that correctly so that’s something. Oddly enough the only regular thing I do recall, other than regular meals, is that on Friday evenings my father would always bring home sweets like Mars bars, bars of chocolate and other sweets. That I guess was after he had been paid that week.

We had a very large garden where he grew vegetables and fruit, that is another memory with the regular harvesting of all that and straight into the kitchen. Far better than shop bought fruit and veg. and that’s probably the same today, home-grown is much tastier. :wink: :slight_smile:

I prefer traditional all the way but my husband prefers microwave kinds.

I also enjoy toffee popcorn Chillie :slight_smile: once in awhile

Such beautiful memories Baz :hug:

I also prefer traditional :slight_smile:

I was just about to post this exact thing.

Popcorn used to be my favorite snack. I’d eat it precooked from a bag, stove top cooked, microwave cooked or hot popper cooked. They can all be good if it’s just right. Popcorn in a bag has to be fresh. Hot popper cooked can be good with the right toppings.

But like Meg, after cracking my tooth on it, I gave it up. That was over 15 years ago. I still miss it.

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Yeah, that’s the only downfall with popcorn. I’ll enjoy it whilst I still can :hug:

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