I convinced someone that a beautiful Christmas Beetle was a highly toxic Japanese Kuwagata Bug.
That they carry the Protozoan Chromalveolata Parasite, Trypanosomiasis.
That their spittle, in which the Trypanosomiasis Parasite lives dissolves the skin and slowly necrotizes, as well as fasciitises from the inside out.
I also convinced them that the Necrotizing Trypanosomiasises saliva is Bioluminescent so all those Stenotrophomonas maltophilia that roam the darkness seeking Bioluminescent entities will lock onto anyone showing this bioluminescence.
Absolutely true and absolutely a load of crock.
You need to get out more Bretrick!
Oh no. I went out today and the hoards of people drove me ackwilly wacko.
where can i get one?
Only found in Australia and only at Christmas Time.
The rest of the year they live underground.
gulp… how deep under? not all the way?
Not too far down, about 12" tis all.
Back when I was in school, in my history class, there was a lovely girl. But a very lazy girl. She missed quite a few classes. Almost every time she’d ask me for me note book to copy up the notes from the class. This was not about her being interested in me, this was her skipping class and then getting hold of someone else’s notes. After a few months I got sick of this as she was most often asking for my notes. So after one class when she was not there, again, I wrote up three pages on the Napolean’s pacific campaign. How in 1809 he had taken his fleet and captured most of Indonesia, Canary Islands (I know) and Hawaii. Then when he tried to take Fiji he was defeated by a joint British / Japanese fleet at the famous battle of Fujifilm Island. There were tons more details of battles named after Japanese brands. She diligently copied it all.
Someone i once knew and got on with asked why you put a cross on a voting paper,ballot to us.
I told her thats only for people who cant spell,suffice as to say she did not vote as there was not enough room, i did put her right,but god knows who she voted for in the end.
Got my wife to marry me
In 1969 I told my classmate that Neil Armstrong was my dad.
Every eight year old kid wanted to be an astronaut in those days.
Wether or not my classmate was convinced I shall never know.
Did that stop her asking you anymore?
What did the teacher say?
Two of us after a night out went into a chip shop, tried to order stuff and pretended to be French and not understand anything anyone said.We were drunk and I wouldn’t have done it on my own.I remember everyone laughing a lot but I don’t think they were convinced.
Well not me personally, but the establishment, trying to convince people that we can actually make a difference to the climate by going ‘Net Zero’ and preventing CO2 to enter the atmosphere…The latest one is…Bill Gates wants to block out the sun to prevent global warming…Good luck with that Bill…
I think you are missing the point. Perhaps all the points.
Then enlighten me Lincs…
Gates ought look up 1816.
Brilliant Caricature, I hadn’t heard of Mount Tambora before. Up until now I had always thought that the Krakatoa Volcano produced the biggest explosion in history in 1883…
My! They certainly had it rough in Asia back in the 1800’s and to think this could happen again at any time/anywhere…
yes then the English landed, and a volcanic erruption didnt seem so bad adter all…