What language do you love listening to even if you don't speak it?

In Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert says that Italian is the most beautiful language.

Others say that French is the most romantic language.

What language is the most beautiful to listen to?

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English, French, Italian, and Spanish - in this order.

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Gaelic of course!

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Through biased ears, it has to be Yiddish :grin:
I am learning Ukrainian which is difficult as it is not unlike Russian, so a tad confusing for this old polyglot.
I do have to agree that Italian does have a certain ring to it :+1: Bellissima!

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I also spoke Mandarin - my ex-wife was Chinese.

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Mrs LD is a Swede and as such I am fluent in her native tongue.:+1:

Of course, English is spoken all the time at home, except when she goes off on one, then we’re both yacking away in Swedish :hushed::wink::+1:

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Swedish is a lovely language to listen to.

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Yes, it can be, except when profanities are expressed out of sheer frustration😁


I speak a number of languages, none of which sound good in a Yorkshire Accent.

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None to be honest,i find different languages interesting to hear,but thats about it really.

I had 3 languages at home growing up. English, French and Latin.

I’ve a basic understanding of German, learned from watching WWII films and Spanish was added in secondary school.

The ones I enjoy listening too in films but never learned it seriously. Just know few words here and there are: Mandarin Chinese and from Shogun series, Japanese.

Their Chinese alphabet is an incredible tongue twister but rich …

I feel that I might get into awful trouble for saying this…Russian.


Nowt wrong with the Russian language or most of Russia’s people. Its arses such as Putin that sway our opinions and that is not really fair on the good people of Russia.


Italian when someone sings it and French when attractive young women speak it.

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I hope you won’t take offense Dachs but I’ m impressed that as English is not your first language you do so well at the wordy games. :grinning:


Oh that is easy to answer to the question . The language of love obviously

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I love listening to Italian
Also French spoken by men
I speak English ,Spanish and some Malay .

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sadly i speak only English, but i love hearing Italian, i remember on Corfu laying on the beach listening to a very attractive mother talking lovingly to her five year old son who wasnt happy


Something I found some time ago and its very relaxing when I need unaccompanied voices to listen to. I do not speak Greek, but I would like to learn.


The sing-song of Gaelic is lovely. I used to watch the Gaelic programmes on BBC Scotland. Lovely language - except when a modern English word is forced in. I don’t speak any Gaelic so apologies to any speakers for this phonetic recollection:
“yeuch in truewch whirr bleuw brooch, donch HELICOPTER shirr bregh”