What is your favourite colour?

Mine is blue.

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Mmmmm, difficult but I think probably blue as it can be very calming. I love the Mediterranean blue sky.

I’ve always liked purple…you know the deep Cadbury type purple…goes well with blonde hair too :slight_smile:

Smokey green. The colour of gum leaves.

Purple always reminds me of Christmas when I was a child. My Nan took me to see Father Christmas and I remember the trees decorated in purple decorations. I see it as a happy colour.


Gentle green .

The colour of serenity .

Hex: C344EA

The colour of jollity.

blue on a car and red on a woman

White but it could be argued if that is a colour at all, besides White I would say turquoise. I like Jade Green too but I really don’t like Bottle Green

Green. I collect green bears & green dragons.

Mine has always been blue and I dislike green for some reason.

When much younger I used to have to be careful when buying clothes because I invariably ended up with a completely blue wardrobe. Since I decided on only white or black T shirts and black undies it is no longer a problem.

In the interests of harmony I do practice wardrobe apartheid.

Blue for me.

My goodness, I hope I get this right…


Par Eque, that brings back memories.

When the grandkids were little I used to say to them

“If you wish to sit by me, you must answer questions three” then rattled off three silly (and easy) questions for them to answer. :lol:

Black, always

I hope they got them all right Judd and they didn’t go to the bridge of death!

Favourite colour . . hmm . .

I usually like soft colours rather than bright ones.
Different shades of pink, blue, peach or green mostly, and perhaps an occasional lavender-ish colour too, sometimes.

Any thing in this spectrum

I suppose it depends on where/how it is used.
I also quite like blue. My current car is a metallic blue.
But I can’t imagine that on my dog.