I would not have a Ouija board in the house, and I know very little about table tipping either, but I would not put pendulums in the same category as these.
Pendulums, used properly and not messed about with for a laugh, can be interesting. I think sometimes these things can be influenced by the mind of the person using them. I also think they can be misinterpreted by the person who hasn’t a clue what they are doing.
Dowsing with rods is another thing that can useful and informative.
I’ve known about tarot cards since age 12. I’d lost my favourite tarot deck when I moved out in 1984.
Hubby bought me a magazine series titled “Body, Mind and Soul” which came weekly with supplies. The magazines were stolen during a move in the early 2000s.
Also received tarot decks as birthday gifts from family. I’ve 2 standard Ryder-Waite decks, I’ve an oracle angels deck, a beautiful one with the universe on back which daughter gave me for my birthday and the Animal Tarot Deck by Doreen Virtue
I haven’t done any personal readings since 1989 when I retired from work.
I usually do a Yes/No one card pick for a quick answer for whenever and I do a 3 pile top card reading when I want further in-depth understanding of a situation.
When my emotions are in disarray I prefer to watch a Tarot reader in YouTube. Over the years I’ve come to appreciate their reveals and trust that my own mess won’t interfere with the predictions.
Lately, it’s Tarotscope readers. My favourite is Starseed 11:11 Tarot, Baba Jolie Guided Messages
Daughter’s a natural reader just as myself, she used to use my Angel Oracle and the learning Ryder-Waite decks. I bought her the Secrets of Tarot recently.
We’re hoping to get the very artful Kipper Deck later on this year.
Oh yes, Tarot Revealed by Eden Gray was first published circa 1969. Papa let me read his copy in 1972. Sadly, this wonderful book disappeared after his death in 1974. I also lost the “Book of Shadows” which belonged to GG Margaret after the death of gramps Arthur in 1969.
I was named recipient of her book once I’d reached 21 years old bequeathed to me in his Last Will and Testament but two relatives were superstitious and destroyed all.
Sad, as the many herbal and plant medicines in her book were lost forever and what little I’d seen and read was amazing.
Nah @Bruce it’s okay. I always search for my favourite subjects in these platforms and they’re usually dated a while back. As such I enjoy reviving oldies but goldies which at the end of the day are goodies too.
The regular playing cards came from the Minor Arcana of the otherwise 78 cards Tarot.
Diamonds used to be Coins. Clubs used to be, erm…Clubs/Staffs. Spades used to be Swords. Hearts used to be Cups.
I gave the Tarot up when I was 16 and switched to the “I-Ching”. The results of the use of that would absolutely blow your minds, beyond belief, believe me. Once I’d learned to use the “I-Ching”, I could never have settled for the Tarot, again!
If you prefer to, you can shuffle just the Majors, anyway, so it’s worth familiarising yourself with them. Blow ups of them make great wall hangings. I use Ouija boards, though, myself, and those look great, on walls.
@Ian_Haines if as you’ve said you use “Ouija Boards” don’t leave the planchette on it when you’re not playing. Make certain to open and close every sessions and finally, always have 3 white candles lit with one at least taller than the two people who are playing aka don’t play by yourself.
Just saying as I’ve learned how to respect that it isn’t a toy and I’ve seen too many friends get into ugly situations… Please be careful!
I meant that, because they make great wall hangings, Ouija boards are what I use…for wall hangings! The planchette is taped to the back of them. I don’t use the OB, at all, for what it was originally intended. I have absolutely no faith in them, when used for that.