What is your Comfort Food

Meat pies … I’m having a craving for hot Steak & Kidney, gravy and serious pastry (suet!). Not had one in years. They don’t seem popular anymore.

What’s your old favourite/comfort food on this cold winters days.

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Fission Chips…

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Aitchbone cut of beef for me :+1:

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Weetabix with soya milk . I just love it

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Better choice than fusion chips.

Well you are American ! (So is my wife…)

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Of course it is Ice cream. I thought that was everybody’s comfort food. I rarely buy it because I am lucky if 2 litres lasts me a couple of days (never mind 4 litres of the damn stuff)


Special homemade Chinese fried rice .mmmmmm.

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Fish finger sarnies with salt and vinegar aplenty :yum:


Fishy finger bagels are quite acceptable too, especially when there’s no washing up involved!

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Hi Abbey, I use a lot of soy “milk” ( as they incorrectly describe it )
Yesterday I bought 10 litres ( 10 packs ) and when later checking my bill realised that the price had jumped FIFTY PERCENT ( +50% )
Same was true of another supermarket.

Time to reassess my future orders/purchases. :money_mouth_face: :thinking: :face_exhaling:
Oat is OK … IF you buy the right type.
Almond - nah - most mfrs are too damned greedy with what seems like
99.999% water with ONE single almond kernel dunked in it briefly then removed RIPOFF !!! :face_exhaling:


It’s cows milk for me every time … until I heard about Weetabix with soya milk. I’m interested.

Steak and kidney pie, beans and a pile of mash.


My wife’s Swedish Hassleback Spuds take some beating.


I tried using only Soy Milk for three weeks and didn’t mind the taste at all. However it made no difference so I went back to cow’s milk.

A litre of soy milk cost about the same as a litre of cows milk but you can buy the latter in 3 litre containers whereas soy milk only seems to come in one litre packs.

plumb crumble with lashings of piping hot custard

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Jason’s Sourdough White Ciabattin Bread spread on both sides with goose fat and charred in the pan.

quick and easy comfort go-to :

gluten free Jam tarts with hot custard

a sourdough bread roll cheese and tomato toastie, pannini style and ready in less than 5 mins using the george grill

Jacket potato with tuna and coleslaw or baked beans with grated cheddar

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I think soya is generally cheaper for me, 50p a litre for the nice one.

Comfort food? Toast, usually with jam.

For breakfast I usually have an omelette and ham.