Meat pies … I’m having a craving for hot Steak & Kidney, gravy and serious pastry (suet!). Not had one in years. They don’t seem popular anymore.
What’s your old favourite/comfort food on this cold winters days.
Meat pies … I’m having a craving for hot Steak & Kidney, gravy and serious pastry (suet!). Not had one in years. They don’t seem popular anymore.
What’s your old favourite/comfort food on this cold winters days.
Fission Chips…
Aitchbone cut of beef for me
Weetabix with soya milk . I just love it
Better choice than fusion chips.
Well you are American ! (So is my wife…)
Of course it is Ice cream. I thought that was everybody’s comfort food. I rarely buy it because I am lucky if 2 litres lasts me a couple of days (never mind 4 litres of the damn stuff)
Special homemade Chinese fried rice .mmmmmm.
Fish finger sarnies with salt and vinegar aplenty
Hi Abbey, I use a lot of soy “milk” ( as they incorrectly describe it )
Yesterday I bought 10 litres ( 10 packs ) and when later checking my bill realised that the price had jumped FIFTY PERCENT ( +50% )
Same was true of another supermarket.
Time to reassess my future orders/purchases.
Oat is OK … IF you buy the right type.
Almond - nah - most mfrs are too damned greedy with what seems like
99.999% water with ONE single almond kernel dunked in it briefly then removed RIPOFF !!!
It’s cows milk for me every time … until I heard about Weetabix with soya milk. I’m interested.
Steak and kidney pie, beans and a pile of mash.
I tried using only Soy Milk for three weeks and didn’t mind the taste at all. However it made no difference so I went back to cow’s milk.
A litre of soy milk cost about the same as a litre of cows milk but you can buy the latter in 3 litre containers whereas soy milk only seems to come in one litre packs.
plumb crumble with lashings of piping hot custard
Jason’s Sourdough White Ciabattin Bread spread on both sides with goose fat and charred in the pan.
quick and easy comfort go-to :
gluten free Jam tarts with hot custard
a sourdough bread roll cheese and tomato toastie, pannini style and ready in less than 5 mins using the george grill
Jacket potato with tuna and coleslaw or baked beans with grated cheddar
I think soya is generally cheaper for me, 50p a litre for the nice one.
Comfort food? Toast, usually with jam.
For breakfast I usually have an omelette and ham.