What is it about men and womens breasts?

For your friends perusal.

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I’m to scared to click on that :rofl: :scream:

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Ooops, I did!

Of course you did.

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With many good days in between, I hope! :bikini::bikini::bikini:

Many thanks and I certainly hope so :grinning:

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ah Mr Vlad of the parrots inn??

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The parrot’s in where? :parrot:

Yes indeed, The Startled Parrot, a drinking establishment of low repute and landlord of tge Jockeys Nostril :grinning:

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good to see you getting some fresh air for a change instead of all that foul stuff?? - perhaps you could kick start one here?

Foul stuff?

sorry meant to say fowl stuff!! fowls a three and aged too!!

Ok …whatever you say :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

thank you sir I just love talkin to men in uniform - SIR!!

depends how much skin ya wanna show? there’s a limit by the minute!

Nice Jugs but what does thirty years in the future have in store?

Live for the now you fool.

Spose so, Jugs are for Life, not just for Christmas. :laughing:

That’s what all the sailors say :smiley: