What Is ‘Gaslighting’?

I keep reading this word current ‘trendy’ word ‘Gaslighting’ but l’m not sure what it means?

Do you know? Have you ever been ?..gaslit?

My old Gran had gaslighting back in the 40s. Does that help?:smiley:


Mind games Art.

Don’t worry, you are far too astute to be a victim.

From Wiki:
“Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgement, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes such as low self-esteem.”

Sounds like remainer strategy to me Besoeker!

The term is from the film Gaslight starring Ingrid Bergman. After a whirlwind romance and marriage, her new husband tries to drive her insane by making her doubt about things she says and does. An excellent film. If you haven’t seen it, I suggest that you do.

It’s basically what all our politicians get paid to do.

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Blimey, been Gaslighting meself for years.:shock::lol:

He was the best gaslighter in the World in his day, Leonard Rossiter played the part in the film of the same name in 1979.


I have never been gaslit…:lol:

But I’ve been “cooking on gas”…today!..:lol:

That’s it!

It’s a fairly common but no easily recognizable form of emotional abuse. People who use this form of mistreatment don’t start out gaslighting as a plan, but adopt the practice habitually for the control and pleasure that it gives them over their victim.

The movie is a good one though!

This is a movie, like Judd’s one, from 1944. Oh by the way, ignore the title …this is NOT a porno movie!! :blush::blush::blush:


Gaslighting is currently trending. :wink:

I have never heard the expression but actually I do recognise the behaviour

Hope you’re gas safe registered art…:lol:

It’s called coercive control and was made a criminal offence in 2015 (I think). It’s classed as abuse.

For anyone that watches Coronation Street it’s what Geoff is doing to Yasmeen, making her believe she is dirty, useless, stupid and drinking too much and is gradually isolating her from friends and family.

Sort of what I was just about to say! :smiley:

In the rough part of “Manchister” it had a very different meaning. It involved a taper for one thing!

It’s a very insidious way of totally destroying somebody without touching them physically. It makes a person dependent on the “attacker” without them realising it’s happening. It can make the victim doubt their competence or confidence at best and their sanity at worst. It’s as old as the hills.

The question begs asking, do folks with a disposition for this type of behaviour continue the trait into old age?