What have you done today?

out with petrol blower and gathered yet more bags of acorns and oak leaves, this time 3 bags full. took about 10 bags of same to dump yesterday and some were quite heavy to lift

Damn and blast! I thought the sound on my system had changed. Discovered today that the sub woofer is not working, not sure if it is the amp or the sub woofer itself that has failed as the latter contains a preamp.

Sat in a cold and draughty bird hide for two and a half hours waiting to take a picture of a Kingfisher. Seen plenty flying about, but none of them wanted to sit and pose for me! Most of the day wasted.


Shame you didnā€™t get the shot, Grahamā€¦but a day watching nature is never wasted! A flask and a sarnie, out and aboutā€¦a great day (in my opinion) Did you get any in flight or were they all blurs of blue and gold?

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Unfortunately, no. Kingfishers are incredibly fast, making them difficult to track and my lens doesnā€™t focus quick enough to get a good shot even with a high shutter speed. If I did, it would be down to a lot of luck. I do have some Kingfisher pics I took some time ago, but Iā€™m always looking for the chance to improve what I have. But not today :smiley:

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What a shame Graham, hope you have better luck next timeā€¦

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Will a Squirrel do?
A surprise photo while walking through the Italian Gardens in Scarborough during our 50th wedding anniversary celebrationsā€¦


Fabulous shot.

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A brilliant photo, Bobā€¦.

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Similar to a squirrel but less rodenty :wink: I saw some skinks sunning themselves in the garden by the bins.

Nice Bruceā€¦But I donā€™t think I could feel the love for them like I do for a squirrelā€¦

Virtually every day now part time blowing up acorns and oak leaves from the back garden grass. Today 4 very large industrial size plastic bags full, takes about one and a half hours or bit more to clear. Without the blower at least half the day or more to do the same amount and that is not including the flower beds. They get cleared when all the leaves are down

I liked the red ones in Scotland:

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I like the Red squirrel on the Isle of Wight and Brownsea Island in Poole harbourā€¦
Itā€™s an offence to introduce grey squirrels to the islands
Both islands have no grey squirrels.
Brownsea Island itā€™s a haven for red squirrels as no foxes or greys have made it to the island.

Yes, I heard about Brownsea Island and the reds. When we lived in Dunstable we went to a a large park, Houghton Hall. There were quite a few black squirrels there.

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Had dotty old aunt round for lunch, Mrs d00d loves her but wound her up a bit so she left early. She is hard work, wonā€™t wear her hearing aids so we have to repeat everything 2 or 3 times.

Got an email about a parking ticket I contested, and won!

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Yes I prefer our indigenous red squirrels Besoeker but Iā€™ve only seen them once, and that was during an early morning run around Derwentwater in the lakes.

Was woken this morning by a plaintive ā€œBeepā€¦Beepā€¦Beepā€¦ā€. One of my smoke detectors was complaining of a low battery. Went round all of them and changed the batteries.

Interestingly they were all put in April 21 but the ridiculously expensive Duracell had no higher voltage than the cheap Woollies own brand Chevron - all about 8.5v. I donā€™t know why there was two Duracell batteries perhaps they had no Chevron left?

Checked the date of the detectors themselves and one is due for replacement at Christmas next year, the rest are good for 5 to 9 years.

Setting up and climbing the ladder (my house has 4 metre ceilings) was a bit of a bugger, I think I might get the fire brigade to do it next year, they even supply the batteries free.

Another exciting day!

Iā€™ve had no end of problems with duracell batteries leaking and damaging the contacts Bruce. Wonā€™t use them now.

Today I visited Titchfield Abbey, it looked glorious in the sunshine.