What have you done in the garden today?

Cut back masses of Poppies before the seed heads had a chance to spread around the garden. Enough is enough!

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I too attacked the blackfly on the beans, plus the whitefly on the brassicas, but they don’t seem too bad this year yet, I also picked the last of the gooseberries (8.5lb this year from two small bushes so well pleased ) :blush:

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Picked some more raspberries, loganberries, gooseberries and pink currants.

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I’ll be picking more blackcurrants this morning, I have several varieties so they all ripen at different times, so it’s an ongoing job for to or three weeks. The blueberries are starting to turn as well, so looks like they’ll be next.

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Picked more fruit and blueberries, had a little helper a baby robin


Removed an old tree stump. A really heavy and hot job.

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Ventured out, into the garden on my own.#

It was great to do so, watered the polytunnel and then back inside.

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Sat out in it with a beer and a book.

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Put the hose on the lawn as it’s ready to die .

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Just picked a few blackcurrants and edged the lawn, then sat under the tree with a book and an ice cream

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I moved my Hosta’s and Astibles into the shade, too hot for them right now

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Repotted a load of Pinks cuttings, fed and watered my Roses, Runner beans, and Tomatoes, and started my Wallflower seeds off to plant out in the autumn.
Took some Lavender and Penstemon cuttings.

I don’t think I can remember another summer like this one with no rain for such a long time.
Everywhere is parched and the ground either rock hard, or like dust.
Dreading my water bill this quarter!


Potted on some wallflowers and picked a few blueberries, do some watering later on.

We’re not. When we moved in and before she phoned our water company, V told me she was going to ask for a meter to be installed. I said not to otherwise we wouldn’t be able to water our large garden with impunity.

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True, my water bills were originally based on a household with 4 bedrooms.
With only two of us now in the house we went to a metered system it saved us a bloody enormous amount of money, the meter is even read electronically, definitely worth considering folks.


Yes, we found a meter a lot cheaper too, in spite of our large garden

Today I picked another 2lb of rhubarb and another half pound of blackcurrants for the freezer, and I also pulled my shallots to dry them out in the sun ready for pickling.

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Picked some more fruit, deadheading and watering later.

I wanted to cut back a prickly bush over a garden path, so what I was going to do is put a wheelie bin underneath so the bits fell straight in. Simple but not for Sue. She dragged the bin away and let all the pieces fall on the path then has to bend down and scrape it all up.There are times when Sue has to do it her way, not the easy way, making more work for herself. Then she complains that I don’t do anything in the garden, I just can’t win

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I suspect life isn’t always a bowl of cherries for Sue, either.

That’s just a good natured joke before you fly off the deep end, RS. Friendly banter. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nothing at all outside today, too darn hot for me.

I shall do the usual watering tonight just before dark - and probably get bitten to death, too.
I wish I could exterminate every Mosquito in England! :mosquito:

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