What happened to the Good Morning thread?

Just surprised to see no-one started a Good Morning thread today. Is this the beginning of the end of this tradition? If so, I wonder why?


Thatā€™s an odd one isnā€™t it, very rarely does that happen. Perhaps everyone was expecting ā€˜someone elseā€™ to start one? :thinking: :grinning:

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Finding the right place to put it would be good - I never seem to do it right - so have given up.

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That thread should I reckon go in ā€˜General Chatā€™ > ā€˜Chat / Discussionsā€™, where this one is located.


I like the Good Morning threadā€™ā€™ā€™ have to admit if I donā€™t see one has been started I donā€™t start oneā€¦ naughty not to I suppose.

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Anyone can start the thread Sheba, why not give it a go yourself tomorrow? :wink:

You could be right, but Iā€™ve no idea why people are so reticentā€¦ :thinking:

Tabby, check the location and tag above which is spot on, please donā€™t stop as Iā€™m sure we all enjoy your morning posts, I certainly doā€¦ :blush:

Spot on Baz, but with the tag ā€œdaily threadsā€ :+1:


Oh OK, thanks Barry. I have yet to get to grips properly with Tags, still learning! :thinking: :grin:

Not that it matters much re: the Good Morning thread, I refrained from starting a thread or posting in there after being wrongly admonished after trying to help another member. I only allow that to happen just once, sadly end of story. Living on my own it was really nice having people to at least say good morning to every morning. :grinning:


Hey Baz we can all have a bad day and say the wrong thing, and if it gave you pleasure before then give it another go, weā€™d all welcome you Iā€™m sure, lifeā€™s just too short not to mateā€¦ :blush:


Naughty indeed Summer, must do betterā€¦ :grinning:


I have started the thread on a number of occasions Barry - in fact Iā€™m pretty sure it was me that started it on day 1 of this site! I didnā€™t manage it today because our electricity was off this morning and then I was out of the house all day.

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If I have time weekdays then I usually post on the Good morning thread but itā€™s usually boring work days so not much to post Iā€™m afraidā€¦

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I could start a Good Morning thread but there would be no one here.
Except a few insomniacs.I could do it for them,it would help put them to sleep.


Well, Technically speaking, one of the members down under should be kicking off the Good morning thread


Because there is no one wanting to take responsibility, unlike the goodnight thread, there was once a guy called Alan, he took responsibility in the Morning. :walking_man: :biking_man:

But the good morning thread is not a responsibility it should be a pleasure. Certainly is for me, but I donā€™t do it frequently in case people think it is my thread and they arenā€™t allowed to start it. Thatā€™s what happened when Alan used to start it every day so I was actually glad when he stoppedā€¦ :wink:

I wasnā€™t, it was refreshing, could not admit that then, loved the photos etc. :walking_man:

I logged in a couple of times yesterday arvo looking for it and it never appeared, very surprised.

Cesā€™t La Vie.

or even ā€œCā€™est la vieā€ :grin:

just past 24.00ā€¦so Good Day all oversā€¦

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