What happened to the Good Morning thread?

[quote=“Barry, post:8, topic:84911, full:true”]life’s just too short not to mate… :blush:

It really is.

The trouble is that often when we do start the Good Morning thread people complain, “It is still Friday evening here.” It is just easier to wait.


@Bruce - we love you really, Bruce!

I know you do. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That’s absurd :roll_eyes:

@Barry Thanks for your encouraging words. Yes I agree, life is short and maybe one day I may post again on this thread. What happened I cannot discuss here, it’s against the rules. However, it was that bad that I didn’t post on OFF at all for probably three or more weeks, I was considering quitting altogether. I stayed after deciding not to post in the Good Morning thread, be assured it was nothing whatsoever to do with any of the regulars on there either.
:thinking: :grinning:

It really is.

@Maree Thanks, see comments above, maybe perhaps one day. :thinking: :grinning:

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Ces’t La Vie. :biking_man: :bike: