What footwear do you have on indoors?

Or do you prefer to be barefooted?

For me, the instant I come through my front door, outdoor shoes are off. Sometimes slippers go on, or I pad about in socks or nothing. But I can’t bear the thought of traipsing about the house with shoes on. Sister has a pair of slippers to put on when she visits, and I ask anyone coming into the house, yes indeed tradespeople, if they wouldn’t mind taking shoes off in the porch. Or I ask if they want overshoe protectors on.

Am I being over fussy? I have new stair carpet, and new rugs dotted about, and vow to keep them clean. But I was always like this in the London flat, and yes, I do wipe Holly’s paws most days.

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I have one slipper on and one slipper off (because my foot hurts). Mrs LD will not tolerate walking around the house without some form of footwear. My slippers are actually beach shoes but they are extremely spongy and soft.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always worn slippers in my own home. If I’m visiting someone, and they ask, I’ll willingly take my shoes off and pad about in my socks.

My older sister has a porch and for as long as I can remember when visiting (very rare, if at all, nowadays), we always discarded shoes when entering.

I never wear shoes indoors all shoes off at the door I don’t wear slippers but do wear socks .

I wear leather mules…

For me only all leather moccasins will do. Summer without sheepskin lining and for winter I opt for the full lining:-D


Slippers, or else my old Crocs. :slight_smile:

I like the look of those, Meg, especially as they proper buckles - I can’t stand velcro as it never stays put! Please may I ask what make they are?

I never wear shoes indoors - usually goes about in ‘slipper socks’ or my ancient Scholls.

I’m a beggar for walking about in my socks but mostly slippers, . I would never walk about my house in my shoes, slippers are much more comfortable.

Shoes. Same kind always. Except in bed of course…:slight_smile:


I use these


I like my velcro fastening (men’s) shoes for outdoors but you’re right, they do stop ‘fastening’ eventually. Especially if Holly has had a go at them.

I love the look of the moccasins. They look comfy.

Barefoot. Sometimes socks.

Think I should have been wearing these the day my feet slipped on the stairs, sending me tumbling down! They look good.

I buy the ones without soles so that I can wash them but if you need more grip then buy the ones with soles. Also, I buy arch support insoles for the older pairs which I tend to wear for longer periods.

I have several pairs of those I bought when I was doing my Yoga. They are much safer on un-carpeted floors than ordinary socks. :slight_smile:

Hi ST :slight_smile: they are Rohde I have worn them for years they are so comfy…