What do you think people take for granted?

I just took delivery of an lemon press/squeezer and just admired how well machined it is, and thought I bet younger people probably take things like this for granted - back in the good ol days things were usually ugly and functional, now they’re they’re made to look and feel beautiful too.

Couldn’t say the same about the packaging mind, it came in bubble wrap - but I’m glad I didn’t pay for all that marketing nonsense! :lol:

(Also I choose this one because it has AZZ in the name :044:)

What do you think people take for granted these days?

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A somewhat different but very annoying thing.

You are over 60 or over 65, depends on which Government Agency you are dealing with.

You are automatically of limited mental capacity.

If you are ill and have to visit hospital, your limited mental capacity gets worse and worse.
You become a gibbering idiot.
That is the time to bite and let them know you still have a brain.

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The internet.
Heaven help us if that all goes pear shaped.


@Chilliboot All we need is a solar storm !!

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I’ll have a ponder, but in the meantime it’s fair to say that my wife takes me for granted :wink::yum::rofl::rofl:


I really love well made, beautifully styled kit that works well. And might last for ever. There things are truly a sign of progress. As designs get better and as manufacturing gets better (more accurate, less waste, better assembled, better materials) then this is exactly what we should start to take for granted. As in, the opposite should be shunned immediately.
I loved Iain Banks in his sci-fi author mode (Iain M Banks). He proposed a future world where the design and build processes had advanced so far that breakdowns were a thing of the past. We are almost touching this possibility. Cars can come with 100,000 mile guarantees. That was unthinkable in the days of Leyland. Micro-precision and better knowledge of materials brings such notions into reality.
Forget worrying about ‘take for granted’. Start demanding even better.


@strathmore , Yeah, and all made by MACHINE TOOLS !!
my forte !! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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And computer design & manufacturing. CAD controlled 7-axis machining. Bring it on.

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@strathmore , LTS allready been brought on, and none of it would work
proper wivvout a bloke to make the slideways straight and square to
each uvver ??
That woz me !! :grin::grin::grin:




Time … time future, becomes time now and is lost as time past.
Gone. Forever.


@Morticia , You could make that into a poem Morty !! :+1::grin::+1:


We had a storm last year and lost power for three days.That first hot cup of tea was really special.Of course people in a lot of countries have to get used to that sort of thing all the time.

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@Donkryman, l fink AZZ likes me. really !! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

best stock up on Lemon Squeezers now!

That everybody has a smartphone. Everywhere you look there are those QR codes? and every establishment wants you to download their app…You must take the internet with you wherever you go, so the establishment know where you are.

At least you don’t have to charge it up…

@d00d , Wow! Yeah l really like that dOOdy!!
very subtle !! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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I wonder what they do not take for granted?

I think the humble electric kettle is taken for granted. I mean, flick a switch and you have hot water…even if you go back to it time and again (if you are absent minded like me and forget you boiled the thing already) it’s just ready with hot water.

Back in the day, it was pots of water over a fire and you had to be really carfeul pouring it so you didn’t get burned…such a faff. :roll_eyes:

Added; Life itself is taken for granted.