What Do You Think Makes

Exactly…unfortunately some like making a mountain out of a mole hill…


Or your snorkel and flippers? Honestly, they are not a good look!! :laughing:

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Exactly…you will always get your mountain out of molehill people.

Not you by the way.

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Was that a compliment? :laughing:

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It’s not like it was once but I stick around because , well because I would miss too many folk


And unfortunately some people like to make mischief and cause friction.

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Art, you never hold a grudge, i admire you for that.

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And here I I was trying to lighting the mood by introducing the ticks and ticks…:frowning:


Oh Gawd . . . Here we go AGAIN ! :roll_eyes:

And you did a wonderful job … I’m scratching and itching and itching and scratching … :grinning:


Must be a full moon … or something more contagious than covid. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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It wont get better if you pick at it! My Nan’s favourite saying to her scallywag (me) lol

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Awww bes I’m just feeling a bit ticked off right now hehe

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You can … and it works. I can sit for hours at my keyboard now with no discomfort.


Ha! Unbelievable…You couldn’t make all this stuff up! :laughing: :laughing:

A long time ago. I managed to get the tick out. My dog laid down patiently and I needed a couple of twigs to extricated it. That was 50 years ago. He was a lovely dog.

Now I have Max. Very same temperament.

I digress…


So Artangel, what do you think, makes a forum tick?

Answer, Pass…

Ha! It gives me a rest! :laughing:

I’ve just been on my other forum, and their all at it on there,I had to laugh,:sweat_smile::rofl::joy:

I think we all make this forum tick, even with our disagreements…I would miss you all.:heartpulse:

That was some squabbling…:sweat_smile::rofl::joy: