What Do You Think Makes

Because it was the derogative nickname given to the nurse in MASH.

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Hotlips Houlihan … Loretta Swit

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Derogatory? I thought it was cos they all thought she was ’ a bit of alright’.

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Me too. I’d have snogged her if she was up for it!


For me it would be a toss up between Radar and Hawkeye.
Or just both, i’m not fussy. :grin:

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You’ve just confirmed my thoughts LMAO

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Well I can’t afford to be choosy :rofl:

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Mort, when this name was called to Ruthio earlier, l assumed it was meant because of Ruthio’s new avatar picture - hot lips all puckered up in a kiss.

That was my moto when I run my own band with the young ladies who followed us. I did require … no, better leave it at that.

Me too Mups … great minds think alike eh?

You dark horse you … I’m tempted to … No! I shall be demure and not ask.

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Of course, Morty. :grinning:

Nothing to do with any nurse on the telly.

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I’ll take that as “no” then! :rofl:

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oh you tart :rofl: :rofl:


It always helps if I take my armour off. That’s why I’ll be glad when I’m down to once a week. Do you know how much effort is required to get it on and off, and the amount of talc I use………:innocent:


I think having plenty of new threads and new topics helps make a good forum

Those forums where they’ve just got a few a threads that have been going on forever and they just keep rehashing the same old, same old can get old very quickly


It is indeed a compliment, for which I am most grateful mwah mwah :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::star_struck::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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@ Besoeker, And wot about ,‘ticked off’ ??
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

I told our Bes I was ticked off lol

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Hawkeye, Alan Alda for me. :grinning:

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