What Do You Think Makes

Ticks are horrible creatures & I agree they are very difficult to remove. You have to sneak up on them fast & twist them out with a tick remover tool


Chillie, Havenā€™t you been to lreland to try the Guinness? They cut the froth off on the top of the glass with a knife!
Murphyā€™s is nice too!

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Why is hot lips insulting?


Bet Boris Johnson has a case at your expense and Iā€™m not a betting man. :smiley:

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No never been to Ireland, have had Guinness in pubs here donā€™t think Iā€™ve tried Murphys
Iā€™m not a great drinker, got out of the habit when I started driving.
Occasionally have a pale ale with Sunday lunch (Doombar) . :grinning:

Room temperature for me if the room is not overly warm, but I prefer mine slightly chilled (not frosty cold) and served in a wide tankard so as the head is not too deep to give a top lip moustache. It doesnā€™t have to be Guinness as any porter will do such as Caffreyā€™s. PORTER ALE

Chillie, The Guinness served in England doesnā€™t compare to the Guinness served in Ireland.

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Yes I agree.
Sick to death of it, I am.

Yes, I was prescribed it some time ago before I injected Victoza every morning and now Iā€™ve tight glycemic control, itā€™s not needed. I still need age-related time though; Iā€™ve reached that once-a-week is enuf limit :+1::grin:


Donā€™t know about stouts or ales, but I do know the Irish give the Scots a run for their money in aged single malt whiskey. :smiley: :smiley:


I think on a forum, you will always get your over exaggeratorsā€¦I see no arguments on here what so everā€¦just members voicing,imo.

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This is very true as my palate will confirmšŸ˜

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Iā€™ll be glad when Iā€™ve reached that once a week stage :clown_face::zipper_mouth_face::innocent:

LD, l had no idea, it was a problem for you. I am sorry if l said the wrong thing, it was never intentional as l didnā€™t know your history.


Me too, I remember once upon a time a happy forum

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Sunday morning is best with the phone off the hook; oh yes and disable the door bell!

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Do you think it would help if you took your armour off? :laughing:


No, it was not wrong for you to say what you did. This is what makes a for a good forum when members share and say how it is :+1:

It still is, isnā€™t it?
Most of stuff on here is tongue in cheek but some take it all too seriously!!


Oh, so its armour is it. Silly me thought it was kinky rubberwear LMAO

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