What do you miss most (about being 'young')

Yoga…can highly recommend it…go for a youtube starter, it is so easy to do…basically you just start learning to stretch out yourself…then with practice you’ll be amazed at touching your toes again…if you have short legs, then that is easy already… concentrate just on stretching yourself…
each week you’ll see yourself as more supple and can move with less stiffness…
… a beginner’s session…


Went to a yoga session once. Never sweated so much in my life for so little movement.

Took me a fortnight to recover!!


Dexo…your in your own space…do it at your own pace…I have a personall video that my daughter got years ago for me…that is what started me doing it…but there was an online beginners session that had three people…the teacher and two demonstrators one to the left was slightly more strenuous than the right side person…the Teacher was constantly reminding you not to push yourself more than is comfortable…no discomfort means no after affects…
all gently stretching…not a sweat out…no sweating with stretching and breathing well at the same time…No excuses, Dexo…try it for a few days…laugh at yourself if you need to…


I know @DianneWoollie. Honestly, at the time I didn’t feel that I was overly exerting myself and was mightily confused by the sweat pouring out from me.

It was only waking up the next day that I realised the enormity of it!!


Sweaty Betty…now the keep fit classes… beginning…on the :muscle: of the :mechanical_leg: 2021…at 14.00 dead on time please…

now that is shake it baby…Music


Oh! Azz! I am old. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I miss looking after horses & riding of course. Most other things I can still do, but that would now be beyond my capabilities. Horses are hard physical work, every aspect of looking after them.

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Excellent choice, Dianne, to get the body moving…I like this version though. Up loud, in headphones! :icon_evil: :metal:

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We had the stables near us in Bexhill in our view and could see the work was really physical…Had occasions to go into the Stables and the owner was of Spanish origin but spoke the with an English accent…he had no patience with the Horse so his wife was the organiser there.
He worked the land until he was on his knees .
.They did sell up and move to Hastings. The wife still had her own personal horses, at that time…cant say what they are doing now as 6+ plus years since we moved away.
It is the things you loved doing and then can’t do them any longer…100% see that…
I guess I am not so good on my bicycle, roadwise, I do not enjoy it.
…stick to riding around the garden now…


Didn’t have you pegged as a rocker :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes. Trixie,… you have ‘‘upped’’ me with that…more suitable for Dexo’s sweat out session, me finks… :person_in_lotus_position: :man_dancing:


I miss my Sister and I miss not having any worries and being carefree.

I miss the energy and I miss how the world was back then. My past holds so many good memories and im not looking through rose-tinted glasses either, life for me was so much happier way back when.


Not now :laughing: It wasn’t studded either, far too naff. Levi 501’s and DM’s. Oh those were the days!

I like it loud sometimes :wink:

Mostly now I’m quite mellow, but now and again I like to blast it out! :metal:


Gotta get the guys moving, eh, Dianne…go big or go home! :laughing:


I miss the safety , we could stay out with friends till dark, no knife crime or drugs, I wouldn’t like to be a teenager in these times


True and there was always a copper on the beat.

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100% agree @paula. There didn’t seem to be the prevailing sense of parental paranoia back then.

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Living Rural with each commune having a low population…ours is less than 200
Crime is almost non existent. I have not heard of or read of any local issues…People are calm here and the French people very friendly once you break the ice with them…Bonjour is the norm, so from there you get to speak with people easily.
Going out at night is a pleasure. I have never felt any threats living here, whatsoever.
Crime in France is just as bad in Paris as London I do believe…any large Town has its crimes of course these days…
…Terrorists are our concerns in France…
We do not live in Paradise…although it might sound like it…
We lack Music Festivals of any substance, something I really do miss…


If ever I can leave off this darned forum for long enough I might just try that.
I’ve been slowly but surely improving my physical health since a major op a few years ago and I think that might well give me the added bit of “go” that I need, so thank you for the suggestion.


Slowly though Zaphod, it might feel a bit silly at first…it did when I first learned to do the northern soul…watching older people doing it though on youtube sealed it for me…then your partner gives you a sideways look…haha .
just think what the hell…when you start to move with more ease…that’s is when you’ll appreciate the effort you put in…takes time, remember Rome and all that,


I wish I was back when my children were small I would do better this time ,