What do you like/dislike about Charles?

He’s supposed to be a bit entitled and like to be waited on

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At least he doesn’t have an “Arranger of Teddy Bears” like his brother :roll_eyes:

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So it would seem :grinning:

quote from initial post “Azz . Curious to hear what you think!” unquote

As Azz has asked I don’t think I am breaking site rule so my opinion of him is poor to say the least. In his position in religious terms he broke his wedding vows and cheated on Diana after or during the time she gave him two heirs to the throne.I don’t think he will ever gain the respect and love that his mother had by all. Not a good example knowing he was going to rule and be king in the future

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Always felt Charles was a wimp , his soft hands never done a day’s work , (I feel the same about the others too ) never had much time for any of them .

But I’m loving history happening before my eyes , never thought I’d get to see it . He will make a wimpy soft handed king , let’s be honest how can he ever know real life , but it will be interesting to watch non the less . I noticed today how close together his eyes are and he has a very red complexion . I think he is harmless enough and will try to do good . I liked his loving words to his mum .

William is left handed maybe he used a different left handed pen

Thanks… The “Duchy”…

Yes it’s quite something to be part of this. Just watching Harry & Meghan & Kate and William (live) looking at the flowers left by the public outside Windsor Castle. Harry is being very protective of Meghan looking at the body language - holding her hand or putting a protective arm around her.

At least they didn’t come to blows .
Can’t have our next King having a punch up with his brother in public :slight_smile:

Of course Harry is protective he’s in dangerous old Britain it’s not safe . Actually they probably aren’t safe , especially from their nearest if not dearest .

May I just ask why the media are referring to her as Duchess? I thought she had her titles removed or something? Have I got that wrong?

Apparently the titles didn’t change, it was “Royal Highness” that was removed. Their children are now Prince and Princess due to succession rules.

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Thanks :+1:

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Princess Lilibet sounds OK, but Prince Archie? Hmm, just sounds awkward to me, like one foot in the royal camp and the other in the commoners’ camp.


Or King Archie?


I don’t think either of them sound right, really…not being mean, but…its like “pretend” names…!

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Gosh no! Even King Archibald…makes me cringe.

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Especially if he had that gene which causes early alopecia … King Archibald the bald?




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Well, this has some precedent - remember Archibald, bald, bald, King of the Jews, Jews, Jews - the little ‘two ball’ or skipping ditty we used to sing at school? :grin:

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Our little ditty was
Nebuchadnezzar, King of the Jews
Bought his wife a pair of shoes …

Although Harry and Meghan’s children have automatically become a Prince and Princess when their Grandad became King, has anybody confirmed they are actually going to use their titles?
I kind of expect they won’t be using them.