What do you fear is lurking in the dark?

Something that I just might have forgotten to put away and could trip over during a nocturnal trip to the bathroom in a dozy stupor :first_quarter_moon_with_face::toilet:


Had to be Lego when my boys were little …oh the pain !


Hello darkness, my old friend :+1:

The wardrobe monster


Does it bring honey? Sounds sweet!

I always checked my closet before bed when I was young. You never know what could be lurking there.

Don’t forget to check under the bed :scream:


It’ll take jester minute.


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A shoe that’s been left where I can trip over it. A door frame where I’ve misjudged where the door is.

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I can remember a rag book about The Wardrobe Monster which I was given as I was learning to read and that made me extra cautious where closed cupboards were concerned :point_right: especially in my bedroom. A child’s mind is a wonderous thing and mine was no exception where my imagination regularly ran riot.

When I was young I’d have a recurring dream that I’d got up in the night to use the bathroom. From the dark landing I’d glance down the stairs, the moonlight would be shining through the glass of the front door illuminating a small darkened figure with her head bowed down. She’d slowly look up and I’d see it was a very old lady with a haggard face. When her eyes made contact with mine her face would fill with rage and she would bolt up the stairs towards me.
Luckily I’d always jump out of my sleep before she ever reached me. :grimacing:
In my waking hours I hated having to use the bathroom at night, my dad would go mad if I left the lights on so as soon as I flicked the switch off I’d have this overwhelming feeling that something was approaching me from behind. :ghost:
I’d fly down those stairs like a kid possessed :joy: This lasted until I was in my early teens. 🫣
To be fair that big old Victorian house was really spooky. 🫣 :joy:


No torches (flashlights) in the house? Sounds scary to me too. :flushed:

We could never afford batteries back then. In the power cuts of the seventies at least we had a candle but that just made it even spookier. :joy:


For that reason I fitted a separately switched lighting unit (10watts) outside the bathroom so that my four daughters could get up to use the bathroom (door left open) without fear of the unknown lurking. That fitting was still in place when I sold the house onwards as the new owners wanted it left in situ.

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You sound like great parent. :joy:

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With four daughters all within 6yrs, I had to be both considerate and understanding. Unfortunately, our only son did not make it past his first day and the next attempt provided us with another beautiful daughter, so I went for a snip late in '73 as four girls were enough for any lone male in a household :wink:. A 5:1 ratio is enough for any man no matter how tolerant :grin:

Oh no, so sorry to hear that LD. :pensive:


Spiders and cobwebs.


What I would say too :grin:


Well, that’s the point, really

I don’t know what I’m afraid of…….

I just know there’s “something” there :scream:


@LongDriver my son used to hide in his sister’s wardrobe, just to scare her. Boys eh!!


It was fun… even the batteries were friendlier in those days :wink:

