What do you do when you hear something fall in the middle of the night while you are in bed?

Happened last night. Something fell on the floor while I was in bed watching Coming home in the Dark. Got up to check and could find nothing.

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As my wife’s carer, I’d have to get up and see to her needs if she hadn’t already buzzed for me.


Consider yourself lucky Bretrick! :scream::clown_face:


Move over as I have more room in bed :rofl:

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Call the wife to get up lol


I have often heard unexplained noises in the night, plus a tapping on the window .I get up armed with a heavy Torch , to either blind them with the beam or wack them over the head .I wouldnt stand there pussy footing around .Strike first then call the Police .

So far Ive not had any close encounters ,both inside or outside , when Ive to take the nervous Dog out to Toilet .

We have possums jumping and running on the roof most nights,so nothing.


I turn over, go back to sleep and investigate in the morning… :sleepy:


Things that go bump in the night?

Cross my fingers, then pull the duvet over my head! :hear_no_evil:


Leave my three dogs to sort it out. It was probably them playing anyway.


I have to get up and investigate what caused the noise before I can settle back down to sleep.

I always turn my bedroom light on and make a bit of noise and wait a while before I leave the bedroom - in the hope that if there is a burglar in another part of the house, they will realise they have disturbed the householder and escape before I leave my bedroom!
Then I have a look round each room, switching on the main lights as I go - check the windows and outer doors are secure and that nothing has been disturbed.

If I can’t see any obvious cause for the noise, I can go back to bed and not worry about it, providing I have checked the windows and doors and am satisfied that nobody has broken in.

Whenever I watch scary films (movies) and see people creeping around their own house in the dark in the middle of the night to investigate an unexpected noise, I am willing the householder to switch on all the lights as they move from room to room!


The London Rapist took all the Light bulbs out , so you should get a Heavy Torch @Boot .

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Thanks for the tip, Eliza - the ceiling light fittings in my hallways and porches are very difficult to take apart to get at the light bulbs but I guess an intruder could just flick the whole electric circuit off at the main fuse box.

On the very few occasions I’ve heard an unexpected noise and gone to investigate, I have also taken my mobile phone with me and switched on the torch - that’s bright enough to temporarily blind someone whose eyes have got used to the dark, so it may give me a moment or two to take some action - and I hold my mobile phone ready to squeeze the two side buttons together, which automatically brings up the screen which calls the Emergency Services for me - just in case I need it!

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Tell Mrs Graham to stop making a noise, I’m trying to sleep,

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I’ve got an announcer set up on the drive, not so much an alarm, but it sounds all over the house when somebody walks down the drive. You can even hear it on the drive, there is no other way to get to the house than down the drive. If it doesn’t go off when there is a noise, I can rest assured that nobody has entered the property, so it must be something in the house…

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Well this is spooky! Guess what I heard in the middle of the night - something fall! I was in bed on the playstation and thought it was something outside, anyway went downstairs in the morning and noticed the hoover hose that I had left leaning on the wall had fallen :lol:


Well at least you found out what it was.
No need to fret about not knowing what it was. :slightly_smiling_face:

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What a great idea. Peace of mind always.

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Apart from my dogs who I have great faith in. I have “tools” secreted in each of the rooms that I can call upon if ever I need to. Some sharp, some blunt. I would be prepared to use them if ever I felt the need to protect my wife, myself and my property.


We have various things that crawl about in the early hours above our bedroom ceiling…the nosiest is the Stone Martin…

sure they wear hob nail boots…they will chew through your electrical wires and cause havoc…
