What books are you reading now?

Just finished reading " My Bonnie " by John Suchet … He comes across as a right selfish git :frowning:

I’m on a Philippa Gregory kick… The Other Boleyn Girl, The Boleyn Inheritance and currently The Constant Princess (Catalina, Infanta of Spain / Catherine of Aragon).

I must get around to reading some of her Books …Do you recommend them ?

Mind you , I have soooooo many on my Kindle now it`ll take me almost forever to get through them all :smiley:

Yes, definitely. She brings the characters to life in what I think is a very credible way and her stories stay true to historical events, though obviously her depictions are fictional.

I envy all of you (in a good way!) for having the time to read! :wink:
(Because I’m stuck behind my computer, I joined the forum for some welcome distraction from the boring stuff I have to do.)
I have the whole series of eight Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins books waiting in the wings.
Have anyone read any of these books? Are they worth the trouble?

Sorry to hear that Dolce :frowning:

Why dont you start a new thread and tell us why you suffer the " boring stuff " ?

I have never read any of the Books you mention , are they religious stuff or Sci-Fi ?

A friend thought it would interest me. I have a suspicion that it is religious books. I’ve had it for 4 months now but just don’t have the time to start reading.

The ‘boring stuff’ is the last stretch on the long road of completing a degree. It’s not difficult but the volume of work is incredible. Since January until end April I had to finish 8 research assignments and at the moment preparing for exams.

BTW, I don’t read Sci-Fi. I tried but simply don’t enjoy it … too ‘iffy’ and confusing. :confused:

Dolce, re sci-fi, maybe you’ve been reading less interesting stuff. I find the female writers much more interesting: focus on people and relationships more than technology, just in unusual settings. Try any of Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series or Marian Zimmer Bradley’s Darkover books. Will send a list if you like …

Wow, degree work does sound grueling; hope we’re a welcome respite from the grind.

dandysmom, I love reading and tried a few Sci-Fi books in the past, all of which were very disappointing. At the moment I’m just trying to get through all the books I have to read before exams.
December is usually my month for reading. If you can recommend the BEST Sci-Fi book you have ever read, I will appreciate it.

The forum is more than a respite. It’s more of a temptation at the moment! :lol:

ONE best? Almost impossible to narrow down, but will give it a think.

Respite, temptation, addiction! I missed the forums (here and our sister forum Catsey) unbelievably when I was in hospital recently!

Oh, I read about your hospitalisation!
Are you on the mend now?

Slowly, yes. Still tired and weak, but getting a little less so every day, thank goodness. My appetite is still off, that’s not unexpected, but really annoying to a foodie … all the time I was in hospital I kept thinking of the good things I wanted to cook when I got home … and now don’t want them! LOL, life is not fair. But the good thing is, they got all the cancer and it had not metastesized! So I can live with the discomfort .etc …

I’m sure you’re appetite will eventually return? I know this sounds weird but apparently cannabis helps with the pain and appetite. Some doctors prescribe it to cancer patients.
I’m so sorry about your pain … hope and pray that you will get better soon.

Recently I have started reading “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett.

I’m reading Powerless: The Synthesis by Jason Letts. It’s a science fiction novel that I’ve gotten involved in quite heavily. I’m about 3/4 of the way through it already.

I’ve just finished “Night Over Water” by Ken Follet, which was an excellent read. Now I’ve started “To The Hilt” by Dick Francis, who I find eminently readable…

You know, I used to be an avid reader in my late teens but gave it up until I bought bt Kindle from Amazon.com. Since then I’ve rediscovered reading with a passion. I’ve finish 4 books and have over 26 now in my library.

The Kindle is so portable, light and easy on the eyes that I can take it everywhere, and do. One more gadget to carry. I need more pockets. LOL

Project Cyclops - Thomas Hoover. A technothriller on my Kindle, page-turning read except when it gets a bit technical … just skim over those parts to get to what the latest the terrorists or the good guys are doing.

Bob, I suspect you might like this one … look at a review

At the moment I am re-reading The Seventh Scroll (Wilbiur Smith). I tend to skim first reads and then go back to read slower in detail. There is a copy of Wilbur Smith’s latest book - Those in Peril, which is about modern day pirates off the Somalian coast (not sure about this one).

I just finished reading the first of three science fiction books in a series by Jason Letts called "Powerless: The Synthesis. It tells a story of a world where everyone is born with a power of one kind or another. The exception is the lead character who had her power stolen at birth. She struggles to live in a world where she is the odd ball competing with her friends as well as her enemies.

I enjoyed the book a great deal and subsequently ordered the second book “Powerless: The Shadowing”. It picks up exactly where the first ended.