Have you noticed a change in what you wear, now that things have got back to normal? I just woke up this morning wondering what to wear, since I’m going into the city an’ all, and realised that since things gradually opened up again, I haven’t been slobbing around in jeans and tops so much. Maybe its just me, but I thought I’d ask!
Cargo Trousers and a Tee Shirt, side pockets mean you ain’t gotta wear a utility belt for Phone, Wallet etc.
Try a man bag…that’ll keep your things handy, and keep your trousers in good shape!
Depending on where I am going to ,and with whom I will meet up with…
Husband is a clothes let down.
…100% though…
lost my post in the editing
right was saying…
I am vain, so go out of my way to match up colours and add an accessory to make the whatever outfit a little like french dressing, that does not mean MAYO dressing…
My Husband is in need of some re training of the training he has already had…
i’ll start with a pair of multi coloured socks
Smart choice! Love multicoloured socks!
Yes I’ve noticed it too @PixieKnuckles
I’m going out a lot more so I’m wearing more dresses and dressier tops with jeans or leggings.
Shoes too… nicer and high unless walking a distance
Lucky you to be able to wear heels Rhian, I can’t walk the length of myself in them I don’t own any now, but I have a few pairs of nice shoes.
Pixie I don’t think jeans & tops means you are slobbing around! Since I stopped working I wear them most of the time & you can look very presentable in them when they are clean.
I am sure we all make an extra effort if we are going out somewhere… but otherwise I feel great in my jeans or pull on trousers & tops !
Yes 100% on the socks…the stripey ones get me…
Trixie Knucks…I am too tall to ever have worn stilettos…although My sister use to as Teenager but she was so outgoing and did not worry about being up in the clouds…
Well, jeans and a top are comfier and easier to sling on without much thought, Twink, so maybe its just me feeling like I’m not making an effort, haha! I was just amused at myself that the first thought I had this morning was “gosh what do I wear?!” rather than, “Whats for breakfast?”
The French wear dresses and skirts like the Brits use to do much more at one time…
Kinda old fashioned, but then they are definitely not that at all…
Older Men apart from the working farmers etc…wear very uptodate gear…put the beer belly braces brigade to …SHAME…
I’m meeting an old friend for lunch today after popping in to school for Results, so I’ll be wearing a peplum hem khaki shirt, cropped black trousers and khaki wedge sandals.
Should I go black tote handbag or red?
Or multicolored (Italian leather) large boho style one?
I like wearing dresses or skirts more now than when I was younger. There seems to be a fashion now amongst younger girls for horrendously ripped jeans! I’m not talking about a hole at the knee, I mean ripped down from thigh to calf! They team that up with a nice top and it just looks a bit wrong to me!
It sounds lovely Rhian…it sounds like the boho style would fit right in with what you are wearing. A splash of colour perhaps? Gosh, but now I’m thinking the black tote would be nice with your trousers and tie it all in…conundrums indeed! You sound like me, haha!
I have to plan days ahead or I get in a pickle!
I like the idea of the splash of colour too
just a sexy looking thong and flip flops
Oooh Doctor! Minimalist dressing, eh? Ok then…hmmm!