What are you passionate about?

What are you truly passionate about?

How do you show your passion and enthusiasm?

As I get older my passions have waned although I still love animals horse especially and I love Art going to galleries and exhibitions which of course been curtained these last two years .
How about yourself ?


Iā€™m passionate about dog muck on the pavements & in the parks. It makes me fume - especially when tread in it!


Me too although passion would not really describe just a desire to rub their noses in it .
The feckless owners not the dogs .

Photography and videoing

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My first passion is Christ,

Being enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your/ my passion toward him boiling hot!

I was passionate about my work as a carer, cook, cleaner!..

Oh dear I walked straight into that one :slight_smile:

Never be afraid to share your passionsā€¦even if it upsets others, be true to your ā€œownā€ passions.:pray::heartpulse:

Do you do anything about it ,Carol?..

There was a person who regularly walked their dog passed my house, every time it left itā€™s poo at the top of my drive by the lamp post. I got so mad a did a message which readā€¦ To the person who regularly lets their dog mess here, I know who you are & where you live & if it happens again it will be reported & put through your letter box. I tied the message to the lamp post.
It never happened again, the person walked a different way. :grinning:


The quote doesnā€™t seem to be working for me.

In answer to Paulineā€™s question. I did once see a woman let her dog poo in the grass of a park. She didnā€™t pick it up so I said to Tony as we walked past ā€˜Sheā€™s not a very good dog owner is she, leaving itā€™s muck all over the parkā€™ I think she heard me but I didnā€™t stop for a confrontation.

Usually you see the poo but not the owners. What can I do about it but try to avoid it?

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Iā€™m passionate about my books. I have a huge (and I mean huge) collection that Iā€™ve bought or have been given over the years. They are all in pristine condition, even though Iā€™ve read them all, no bent spines or turned down pages. The only books with writing in the margins are the ones I used for study when taking my degree many, many years ago. I know at some point I shall have to part with some of them when I have to downsize ā€¦ but not just yet!


Agreed, nothing we can do about it, unless caught on camera, but, if you see the owners and the dog pooping ā€¦if you know who the owners are, you can report it to the dog warden and he will send them a warning letterā€¦Iā€™ve done thatā€¦

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I am passionate about collecting. Some say I am a hoarder, but I donā€™t collect rubbish, I collect expensive trash. :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


Youā€™re a bit of a troublemaker thatā€™s what you are. :wink:

Ahhhh! But Tiffany is not my real name. :wink:

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Tiff, my son is the same, that expensive trash as you call it, goes up in value, are they still in original boxes? etcā€¦





At the opposite extreme, I absolutely abhor football.

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Simple for me friends and family :+1: