What are you having for lunch/dinner? (Part 2)

Seems to be a little chilly this morning…OK messed up the Chocolate Cake,long boring story…Dinner, got it in a second…kept it to myself for my own reasons…
Beef Stew and Dumplings…now ok it is not actually Stew weather but just fancied it…
Husband says oh…wanted Spaghetti Bolly…But we can have Dumplings now… and all he does is laugh every time I say Dumplings…

Am I missing something here?.. :innocent:

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Hey Di, even messed up chocolate cake is good. I’d eat it.
I find nothing funny in dumplings :joy::flushed::innocent: He’s just being a naughty boy.

We’re having hunters chicken, baked potatoes and runner beans, which I’ve recently harvested from the garden. Runner beans need to be a different colour so they can be seen amongst the foliage.

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Rainbow Trout and Rice with baby tomotos, and mushroom for lunch, dinner this evening ive slow cooked a chickenbreast with root veg,and will soak up the gravy with a soft bab.


Probably Chili Con Carne:


Going on from yesterday’s meal and my now famous Dumplings meal, Husband’s choice today Spaghetti Bolly.
Yesterday’s was another hit. Not wanting to sound a bighead as I am not at all…but since I have actually loving the whole cooking thing, my food is really tasty…How good can it get… :partying_face:
of course a stew can have any,especially root veggies, in it…you don’t have to have a lot of meat these day for it to be tasty.
The Chocolate Cake that was not…best not look to be honest… :expressionless:


@DianneWoollie You could always crumble the chocolate cake - add a little rum and make it into Rum Truffles - or - break it into pieces, put in the bottom of a bowl, add a little kirsch and some cherries, use as a base for Black Forest Trifle!


Lunch = a mug of homemade leek and potato soup with a large wedge of cheese and onion quiche made by a neighbour.

Dinner = roast beef - with this intriguing recipe found on YouTube:-


Ah, ein Käse-Kartoffel-Omelette - wie lecker … :016:

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haha was waiting and wondering about the beef…
We would like that as we have Tortilla often…would also make a good lunch…we tend towards too many sarnies and crisps… :whale:

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Chick pea curry/steamed French beans/fennel and red onion salad/brown rice/tomato salad pomegranate pickle.

Plums and custard.

vegetable lasagna for lunch , just gobbled it up .

Dinner time!

Beef pasta!



hang aboot hang aboot - just a cotton minute - tell us the recipe the snake and pigmy sounds strange and why cook ya chips thrice ma man?

well it was some time since I was back in old blighty but lookin at this thread and assuming most of you are still in UK? - no no put ya passports back this is not a customs hike! - it is quite obvious how the english cuisine has changed over time and sometimes remained the same - that hike through the thread was a birds eye view of it all. When I first arrived in oz it was still very ‘old country’ but over time has changed to ‘all cuisines’ and with the Indigenous dishes coming to the fore also - I am gettin myself worked up to cook my favorite bechalan curried prawns with bay runner beans - it is simple to do but messy - another messy but easy dish is half a kg of beef mince thrown in the flat bottomed cooking pan with a shop indian curry mix and various vegie [potatoes ; cauli ; beans etc ] and the rice in the rice cooker.

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I love fennel - so versatile. Not tried pomegranate pickle - is it your own recipe, Meg?

well cooked up before an outing to town - 500gms of minced pork cooked with oil and mixed vegies including cauliflower florettes and 400 gms of tikka massala mixed in and slowly bubbled - rice on rice cooker and as soon as I left meat down to very low - rice on cook and off to town - returned to cooked lunch not to hot sometimes I sprinkle it with turmeric powder for me joint aches!

@SilverTabby Hi ST :slightly_smiling_face: no not mine 'Geeta’s …
I bought it to try it is a bit sweet but made a change .

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Later - Ham’n’Cheese Omelette with Colcannon Mash and Garden Peas:

:yum: :yum: :yum:


Dinner tonight

100% Homemade Chicken schnitzel with a white pepper sauce (extra thick) :roll_eyes: accompanied by a cinnamon dusted grilled butternut and herbed mash potato.


Black pudding, Aunt Bessie’s oven chips and baked beans …an orange

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