Me too, I don’t really like fried sausages.
I made my own Romanian sausage last year.
Looks good! Did you Air Fry them?
I have just had a smoothie. Nice but I really want some toast now sigh
Where do you get the calamari from Conradd ?
I’ve tried the cheapo frozen stuff from Tesco but frankly it tasted of rubber! That’s probably largely down to me.
To be candid I used to keep some in the freezer as a back up sea fishing bait.
Thanks, no I cook it like that in its clingfilm in hot water and then let it cook and then cooked it in slices fried, having just said I don’t fry sausages!
The reason for that process is I didn’t have and sausage skins.
Oh are you dieting?
I got whole frozen squids, defrosted in cold water then made the calamari.
Max 80 seconds deep fry, it’s juicy n soft inside, crispy ‘batter’ on outside
Oh you never fail to amuse me No Conradd, I adore smoothies and have them most days. Very healthy and with the amount of concoctions I make up, its a meal in itself.
Gotcha… thanks!
Oh I see, it was the wanting toast accompanied with the sigh that made me think you might be on a diet, sorta wishing ‘sigh’ you could have toast.
Smoothies can be healthy indeed, I like them with kiwi fruit included, but no banana as I don’t like bananas in a smoothie.
Steak pie n chips smoothie next
Well I’m trying to keep to a healthy diet, so you aren’t entirely wrong. I love hot buttered toast and happily live on it alone most days, but it isn’t the best idea!
Steak pie and chip smoothie sounds…interesting! Mind you, I live in the lands of deep fried mars bars so I have a cheek to roll my eyes at anything
Lunch is going to be a pack of chicken drumsticks cooked in the oven with a ready made Cajun rub.
Tonight my son will be preparing a chicken curry using yesterday’s leftover roast. This time he’ll be blending his own curry powder using the multitude of spices we have stashed away
As for tomorrow I’m not sure although it’ll be a non chicken day…
I have just eaten mine otherwise I would have snapped it…
Pate pork based with a mixture of Mushrooms…half a small bag of Crinkled Crisps…One Black Coffee…

Just had this bad boys brother, and a bag of crisps
I always feel Wallaby ball goes best with hot mustard
Evening Meal Husband made earlier a Cottage Pie same as Shepherds Pie but not Lamb…he used minced beef cooked batched and frozen in prep… with Onion Carrots Herb de Provence and Pepper… so useful for our choices of Meals…Lasagne, Spag Boli, Cornish Pasties and Cottage Pie…was not what you call attractive to view but honestly was the best one he has ever made…his head did swell which was nice…
got half though it and thought I feel Full…so snapped a piccie
You staying home or off on a hols break?
You have a clever lad…mixing his own spices like that. It makes every meal so unique!
MMmmmm, protein points there!
I’m having jacket potatoes (airfried) with toppings
Ms d00d loves tinned tuna more than I, but I do enjoy this …
The secret is to really get the flavour of the onion and garlic into fish, smash it up on a high heat till slightly charred, lower the heat, add the egg.
I also make a pasta sauce, onion, garlic, tuna, charred, add mushrooms, toss till they’ve shrunk a bit, add cream.
And it smells absolutely delicious too!