What are you doing for Halloween?

When I asked about Halloween costumes last year, I was told that Halloween costumes are a US tradition. But some people posted they did various things for Halloween, and the traditions are changing.

It’s only 6 weeks away.

Anything planned for Halloween? Apple bobbing? Costume parties? Telling ghost stories around a campfire? Sitting in the dark and pretending it’s not happening?

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Well …to get the truly horrifying effect of gruesome ugliness I confess it’s the one day in the year when I don’t wear any make up.


Aha. The au unnaturale look?

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Putting some lights outside the front door and two tins of chocolates.

@swimfeeders …whole tins! Really? I love Roses …tell me your address and I’ll be there …hunched over to look like a cute kid. (All kids have text neck these days)


I might put 2 tins of cat food out and a picture of Truss.


Only? That’s quite a long time to me.AND as someone once said:
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”

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In addition to the local pillocks, we do have some genuinely nice kids and parents locally.

The littlies love dressing up and going round with parents watching and I do not want to be a miserable old get,

I’m not at all interested in Halloween.

I didn’t think old people were bothered about it.

It’s just a tradition from America that I don’t hold with. We have our own Guy Fawkes night a few days after & I don’t mind giving ‘A penny for the Guy’


I will try my best to ignore it.

However it is a granddaughter’s birthday, I have no intention of ignoring her. :slightly_smiling_face:


It`s an American thing which i will never buy into.

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Not much…sitting with the lights off hoping nobody comes to the door! I didn’t even enjoy it when I was a kid and had to be virtually shoved outside in some strange garb to go knocking on doors asking for stuff. No thanks!

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Me too … :105:

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That’s me about Halloween also. Not my favorite holiday.

I’m already hearing about people sewing their costume or planning their event.

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Halloween didn’t used to be a thing here but the $2 Shops seem to be making it a bit of a thing.

Some years ago I had a couple of kids call for Halloween I had no idea what they were there for until the parent explained so I gave them a banana each (I don’t think they were very impressed). No one has called since.

It is funny that it is 6 weeks away because Mince Pies for Christmas have appeared in the supermarkets but nothing for Halloween yet.

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My son’s way grown out out of leaving pumpkins outside of the front door and handing out sweets under my watchful eye.

We still make Jack o lanterns for the front room, there’s something very seasonal about it and the roasted seeds make pretty decent nibbles :jack_o_lantern:


The shops are full of halloween rubbish .Still I supose the children like it.

Not a damn thing. :joy:

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When the kids were small we always decorated the house and had a party, with apple bobbing etc and mum and me dressed up as witches to dole out the treats, it was fun!

But now we’re down to just making a pumpkin, a bag of fun size and 20p coins for trick or treaters

And I always make chocolate apples and toffee apples for those of us with good teeth, my children always call in to get the theirs still

And I read the cards and tea leaves for those that ask me, sorry to those that offends

And my husband and I do a thing that his old mum taught us from Ireland which is to hold hands together with a sprig of mint in your palms, without speaking. It’s supposed to bind you together and deepen your love and the smell of the mint on your hand afterwards is a lovely reminder :two_hearts:


I will be trying very hard to ignore it.