What Are The Advantages And The Disadvantages Of The Hot Weather?

Looks like it’s done you a favour Art - did you really want to eat that junk? :icon_wink: :081:

Personally I love this weather and my advice to anyone struggling in it is to eat clean - processed junk/sugar etc put a huge load on your body which makes it harder for you to regulate temperature. This is one of the first things I noticed when I cut out junk from my diet, the heat not only stopped being intolerable, but I absolutely adored it! :smiley:

I can wear shorts and show off my gorgeous legs🦵🏻🦵🏻🦧
Ice cream
More ice cream
Cold drinks
Cold beer
More cold beer

It’s too bloody hot​:rage::hot_face:



Yes, this hot weather is a serious issue if you have heart failure and I am also staying inside more during the heat of the day.

I am also on a fluid restriction, which does not help.

I hope you are looking after yourself.

Dis. Having to wait till the evening to walk the dog. Neighbours out in the garden, either just playing loud music or partying.

Adv. saving on heating costs. Able to wear shorts, and easy shoes, and not waste time faffing about with water proof clothing, a rainproof poncho, socks and shoes,

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As RAF brats we had two stints in Aden , where temperatures hit 40 degrees but we lived outside , swam each day , burnt to a crisp , no sun protection then , but we loved it .

I love waking to a sunny day , my heart lifts, my soul sings , and I feel so much better, but I do not like the hot sun on my head , I can’t handle is now . Loved it as a kid though .the nights are hot but I don’t mind I keep cool no clothes on and sleep OK.

You see I hate winter cold wet cloudy weather, I can feel sad and fed up and hate putting the heating on and hate hate being cold with chilblains and cold wet nose . So I’m a sunshiny girl , even though I can feel tired from the heat

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[quote=“LongDriver, post:19, topic:92911, full:true”]
For me and my point of view, it’s the refrigerator and the freezers. During the hot weather it seems to me that the motors are running almost continuous and therefore excessively running up the leccie costs.[/quote]

I think your heating energy for winter would be much greater than the fridge and freezer. But what do I know - I’m just an electrical engineer…:slight_smile:

The advantage for me personally is I’m not shivering. The least bit of cold and I feel it


I wear less clothes it feels good .
I’m not cold I hate the cold
My washing dries quickly
my garden is drying up
I worry that the whole world Is drying up.
My dog prefers the cold .

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Hot weather is most advantageous. Makes you feel good in body and spirit.

But in our old age, we need to know our limits. On 51 weeks of the year we walk on the sunny side of the street. Today not.


[quote=“susan_m, post:25, topic:92911”]
You see I hate winter cold wet cloudy weather, I can feel sad and fed up and hate putting the heating on and hate hate being cold with chilblains and cold wet nose .[/quote]
Pretty much the opposite for me. We lived in Scotland in the hills. We quite often have snow and frost and the dog and I walked for miles. My uncle and his wife came for Christmas one year, 1962, and it was one of worst on memory. As it happens they had not long since come back from Aden…:slight_smile:

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My feet benefit. I haven’t worn socks for weeks and I wear sandals instead of shoes.

Stupid. Interfering. Useless. Annoying. Infuriating. Negative. Unwelcome. Pathetic.
FOXTROT OSCAR! :partying_face:


I never knew he was called Oscar.

Boiler pump at 65 watts and flue gas fan at 25 watts, both far less that my two remote freezers + one smaller in the house and single refrigerator running flat out during overly hot weather.

Do they really run flat out? And what about the energy required for boiler its self?

Yes, there is that too. It’s internal solid state constant monitoring circuit … say 3 watts at the most as the blurb sheet refers to it as negligible.

I meant the actual boiler its self. That usually requires a lot of energy when it gets colder.

Is it worth wrapping the boiler up then? For winter I mean…I live in a very cold house, so I hope this isn’t a silly question! :017:

I don’t know if you can - it has a vent to the outside wall and there is insulation that I can see on the boiler wall. But isn’t my forte.

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I walk that dog so sandals are not really a practical proposition especially for the paths we take…