What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I have had three child molesters imprisoned over a period of 20 years.
The children were comfortable enough with me to tell me someone was sexually molesting them. All three of the perpetrators were related to the children.


Finding my BH

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My education, which when I was young, I thought I would never have. (Long story)


Getting to this age.


Not exactly proud of but deeply satisfied with, immaterially, my professional achievements, materially, ending a long period in a region I never liked by selling two houses and uniting the whole family at our most preferred place with very good accommodation for everyone.


I had to think hard about this…I suppose my kids are my greatest achievement

My daughter is a Director of a hospice she has been heavily involved recently creating a teenage cancer centre in the grounds of the hospice…a wonderful achievement for her and a proud moment for me too.

My son after a few hiccups runs a successful property investment company…he is also heavily involved with rugby training for young people and his company financially supports two teams one of which is an all girls rugby team…he gives a lot of his spare time refereeing

At my age now I live vicariously through my kids :slight_smile:


Because I didn’t gave a good education and also my own stupidness as a young kid I left school very uneducated at 15 .

I had to work even when I had my children but always did menial jobs like shop work , cleaning, badly paid right until I was 50 . I couldn’t afford college fees, but one year I was made redundant and doors opened to me . I started college and trained in secretarial work , taught to touch type and computers. I loved it . I got a nice job working in an office for 7 yrs . At 57, i changed direction and trained in podiatry I worked for a well known charity and opened all footcare clinics in areas In Dorset . Its still very successful even though I retired 9 years ago . I enjoyed my work , had a great friend in my job share partner and helped thousands of aged people look after their feet and saved them a lot of money in paying out huge charges for to others in the private sector .

I’ve also learned we can do anything if we try


You can certainly be proud you raised a pair of well adjusted, productive children. That is all one can ask for. That our guidance is respected and relevant.
Well done Summer.


It is always good when we gain enough wisdom to know what is best for us.
Some people never attain that degree of self knowledge and continue along the same menial path heading to oblivion.
I am pleased for your achievements, remembering it is us and us alone that controls our destiny.


Comes as a surprise. I marvel that I have reached 60+ having been diagnosed with an alcohol induced cirrhotic liver at age 30.
Decisions needed to be made.


Looking after my extremely abusive parents even after knowing they disinherited me since their golden boy, who they left everything to, didn’t do a thing. It was very challenging and mentally exhausting but I did it.


@Bretrick Raising my four daughters, one of whom, a distant relative, was adopted after fostering until her adoption was finalised. I don’t know of a greater accomplishment providing a person was fortunate enough to bring forth children.


Saving a neighbours life when his ladder slipped and his wrist went though the upstairs window. Drove him to hospital with minutes to spare. Spoke to the Dr and they told me anothe 5 minuits and he would have died. tha must have been way bacck in the 1980’s era


That must have been very difficult for you. Did your parents have any remorse at all?

That really is a great achievement for sure. Very trying, raising children to adulthood.

Yep, an achievement to be proud of. Quick thinking from a level head. Well done indeed.


Not a chance. My parents were far too self absorbed for personal reflection. If I didn’t know what was happening to them, I could let it go but my dad had been driving without a license for years and it got to where he was a danger to himself, my mom and any others around him.
Taking his car keys away was far more dangerous than I even expected.


Being a good Dad to my Son who has learning difficulties. Successfully getting him out of the clutches of a wife who targeted him for his ease of manipulation (coercive control) and his accommodation. Success in Court after the divorce in stopping her taking his flat. I did feel a sense of a job well done after that.


Just wanted to add , I think people’s life stories are amazing, triumph over adversity . I could listen to people tell their life story for hours . The struggle , the suffering , yet somehow we pull through , not everyone of course , some just no longer have the energy to go on sadly . But to read and hear your stories is inspiring.



It’s about the thought pattern, if you ain’t careful, that can finish you off, quicker than any organ failure!!!

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Probably my children. They have good degrees and have continued in life very well so yes, I am proud of them. But, much earlier in life, they were excellent. A little tale. I liked white chocolate and I got one from the fridge. My son, about aged four at the time, asked for a piece. I gave it to him. He broke it into three pieces, one for himself and two each for his sisters. What can I say…


I supose looking back over ones life there are quite a few things to be proud of and others not so. As the heading asks for one quote" Accomplishment to be most proud of" one has to stick with the heading.