What a rip off!

The supermarkets will always make a profit - it’s just how much profit that bothers me. I don’t think there is much excuse for what many organisations are doing at the moment. Whichever way I look at it they are profiteering in the most disgusting way. Prices are certainly not stable in the places I shop. Just this morning I was looking at buying a new kettle. I had looked at the same one before but didn’t buy. It was £69 - this morning the same article is £109. Disgraceful.

How many actually pay by DD? My tenets have prepayment leccie meters, so no top-up, no leccie.

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£69 for a KETTLE!! The last lot I bought from Wilko cost me a fiver each! I expect they’ve gone up since, but not by more than a couple of pounds.

EDIT … no, I’ve just checked and they are still a fiver.
Wilko White Cordless 1.7L Kettle | Wilko

A group of about 16 ladies in our village have started going for a meal every couple of months. First month we went in our own village to a pub/restaurant which advertises “fine dining” so we expected to pay a fair bit but expected a fab meal. Several of us opted for a crab salad. It was very poor. £17 for a tiny dressed crab (we can buy one that size for £3.50 around here). A couple of salad leaves, a seared tomato, a very small slice of sourdough bread (no butter) a blob of salad cream and that was it. Dessert was £8 and was basically a Tunnocks tea cake in the centre of a huge plate with one strawberry cut in half and a drizzle of cream. We couldn’t stop laughing! They have missed out on a regular booking for 16 because it was such a rip off.

A couple of days later i went to a little cafe and for £12 got a massive crab salad with new potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, radishes, lettuce, grated carrot, bread and butter. Also included was a cup of tea or coffee.

Our second visit we went to another pub who said they could do us a 2 course meal for 16 for £8.50 and it was great.


Just looked at that Wilko kettle LD and it says unavailable. I always look for the style of things and that one is very ordinary so I probably wouldn’t go for it, even at £5. I’m not going for the one I saw either - I’ll manage.

These energy companies have lots of plans to choose from .
I’m with Octopus on a 2yr fixed plan until next July.
I pay £79 DD a month dual fuel .
I don’t need to keep my eye on it because Octopus ask for meter readings every month and they send me an email a day later telling me what I’ve used ,then another shortlyafterwards advising me of the due DD and date it will be taken .

I think they have been sitting on stock for months that are at the original cost lower cost and as stocks are replenished we will see sudden increases in price. This is because of all the supply input cost increases, a cumulative effect. It’s not in their interest to price goods out of the consumer reach, so they are being forced to do this no doubt. Supermarkets do have loss-leaders that they will want to maintain.

All the cheap kettle models sell out fast and it seems that shops are holding less stock too.

I bought this breville one for about £33 after I dropped the previous breville kettle - I was a bit unhappy with the style (as it’s plastic) but have found it very easy to use and it’s v light and big. Others have admired it.


These types of model are good, but a) how much power do they use? b) how large capacity? c) it does look very unstylish in your kitchen

If I have to look at a kettle all day I want it to be a feature rather than an eyesore

£135 per month? Help ma Boab… Have you got your heating on all year round and leaving your windows open?

Mine is £62 per month (increased from £43) paid under sufferance.

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Oh shush you! :joy: No I don’t have the heating on and windows open! Seriously I’m (un)lucky if I hit £2.50 most days…I have NO idea where they get these figures from, because I count up monthly usage of around £40. I don’t even have the heating on. Luckily for me it has allowed me to build up some credit for the Winter, but I swear to goodness, if they dare increase my DD I will go through them like a…a…well, I’ll give them hell anyway.

I’m very annoyed about it all, and it makes me feel like I am at the whim of some faceless CEO who just decides to flick the switch whenever he they feel like it.

1 bedroom flat, by the way…its tiny

I’d be going round and checking the wattage of each appliance, then estimating how many times you use them during the week to get your total usage.

Check your fridge. Sometimes, they don’t turn off and can run 24/7.

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I don’t give a rat’s behind what it looks like when I’m fitting out one of my rental properties. All it needs to do is boil and comply with all the relevant safety regulations for a 1.7L electric kettle. If the tenant wishes to buy a more elegant one, then that is up to the tenant. Some do but most do not and if they do, they usually leave it behind after their lease has expired, because they probably cant find the original one. The most expensive kitchen appliance left behind was a large late model s/steel combi microwave oven that I now have in my kitchen and the weird thing about that was the original basic microwave was left in one of the cupboards.

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Thanks I’ll do that. I do double check my usage though every night, which is how I keep it low (or think I keep it low). I can’t check what I use and when, because it’s an old smart meter, and not installed by the current supplier, so it’s not something I can monitor in detail. I will check my fridge though, and turn it down perhaps? (or not, given the rise in temperatures coming up this week) I barely use anything :frowning_face: What I have noticed is that when I input my readings every week, it varies. Like two weeks ago, it said I only used £5, and last week it said I used £30. I have queried this with them and they say they can’t do anything about it because its not their meter and they don’t have meters to replace it.

Pixie, they were wanting £162.54p per month for my D/D !! :astonished:
That’s why I’ve cancelled it.

Are you on a Smart Meter?

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I walk to a beach cafe most days they open at 7am perfect for a early morning dog walk
My coffee cost £3.25 . Everything is expensive now.

At the end of August my dual fuel tariff ends I’ll be on a variable rate with British Gas.
At the moment I pay £75 per month, the account is just under £200 in credit.
I expect the payments will double or treble.

That is expensive but I am sure you deserve a treat. Are you in a holiday area? We are and a few years ago my friend and I went to a local pub for coffee and they were going to charge us £3.50 each for coffee. My friend said “that’s gone up then, it was much less when my son worked here.” He said “oh sorry I didn’t realise you were locals.”!! And we got them for about £2.25.

Similar to us Judd - £55 for gas and £63 for electricity and we are approximately £400 in credit for the gas and £140 for the electricity. At the moment we only have the hot water on for about an hour a day and the electricity I expect to be roughly the same winter and summer.

Just thought Judd is your £62 per month for gas and electricity, which would be quite cheap if it was.

Yes it was here when I moved. I’m not a fan of them, but I have no choice. :frowning_face: