What your saying has another meaning, nothing to do with washing clothes.start a thread about it if you wish…please don’t start putting my topic down…it’s supposed to be fun…for others to join in, if they wish…
Yes I do.
I can get a single duvet in my machine, just.
I put all clothing in together, but do keep dark & light clothing separate.
I fill up the powder dispenser with Percil non-bio & the fabric softener one with Comfort, the blue bottle, then add the load to wash, then switch it on, I use quick wash as none of the clothes are really dirty.
My machine is a Zanussi washer/dryer.
Ok.This was quite funny.I was in a laundrette reading, waiting for my clothes to be done.When the machine stopped I took them out but not from mine.Fortunately they were on a service wash and I only had to explain it to the laundrette lady not the owner.
Oh my, you’re not that hunky guy in that old TV advert are you who whipped his jeans off.
I used to work in a launderette. You’d be surprised at how often that happens. It’s easy done.
Yes, my machine is insured with BG…they said it would have been binned, if I hadn’t had insurance, I had a new drum fitted, which apparently would have cost as much as the machine nearly.