Vegans V Meat eaters

So WELL disguised. :lol:

I am not a vegetarian but I could easily be a veg.nosher. I can eat most things, in particular nuts, but am not very fond of cheese (only the very mild ones). I would not wish to be a vegan because I don’t think we have evolved to be vegan.

You can decipher it how you want Besoeker, I didn’t write the article, just quoted it.
It was written by a knowledgeable veterinary surgeon, not just some snippet in a beauty magazine.

Haha, luv it, Muddy. :smiley:

I’ve never thought of myself as a vegan, but since childhood I haven’t eaten any meat, fish or dairy. I would only eat egg in a cake not as an egg.
The reason is I can’t bear the look or smell of such things and I would not be prepared to cook them for others.
But I am average weight have no ailments and do not have bad breath!
So it can’t be doing any harm.

I’ve been an ethical vegetarian for almost 30 years.

For me, that choice wasn’t heroic, it was the path of least resistance. Nothing on my plate was worth what the animal had to endure to get there.

At the very least, it is misleading in the extreme.

Killing carrots is more ethical that stunning a cattle beast?
Rhetorical question.

To be clear about this, I have no problem with you or anyone else being a vegan. I just do like a medium rare fillet steak and a nice side salad.

Or a nice bit of poached halibut…and my dear wife does a brilliant Teriyaki chicken…

I am going to be an ethical omnivore and only eat vegans.

Sounds a logical move Bruce. :slight_smile:
I think what a lot of people don’t realise is that nature itself is the most inhumane killer. At least by human hand death is quick, ( this also keeps down lactose levels which badly affect meat flavour). Nature in the wild often sees herbivores being eaten by carnivores before they are even dead and carnivores dying slowly as their teeth and physical abilities fail.