Vegans V Meat eaters

Not sure if this should go in Food, Discussions or General ?

I read something today that quite amused me.
It’s about extreme vegans who try to insist others follow suit, and about the people who go ‘Vegan’ thinking they will save the planet.

I will quote part of the article, see what you think:

" Being vegan really isn’t going to save the planet.
Did you know it takes 72 gallons of water to grow half a kilo of avocados? Or a gallon of water to grow every single almond?

California is being drained of water, as these two common crops are now being grown in increasing amounts.
Lettuce is three times worse than bacon in it’s greenhouse emissions.
Soya? Increase in demand is causing huge deforestation.

Let’s eat healthily and let’s make sure welfare standards are high for the animals we do raise and eventually eat.
Let’s ban halal and kosher products from animals that have not been stunned before slaughter.
Then let people eat what they want to eat instead of extreme vegans trying to force others to follow suit."

Apparently some even try to force their pets to agree! :slight_smile:
There has been vegetarian and vegan dog food available since around the 1980’s.
There is now even, an ‘Insect’ food for dogs, called ‘Yora’. The insect content consists of the larvae of the black soldier ant!

Poor dogs. I am sure they wouldn’t live on insects and oats from choice. :slight_smile:

So, are there any vegans here?
Do you cook meat for others even if you don’t want to eat it yourself?

I was surprised that Earth been visited by so many beings from Vega especially as it is something like 25 light years away. Absolutely amazing.

I am not a vegan. I eat a balanced diet with most food groups. I eat all types of seafood. I am the cook in our household and I cook whatever my family feels like. As for myself I hardly ever eat red meat. For the sole reason that I simply don’t like it. I don’t like chicken much but i will eat it in Thai dishes.

Don’t know about the star but I love Suzanne (Vega)

That’s bordering on being unAustralian :wink: Though the seafood does redeem you a bit.


Whatabout the ants??? They’ve got feelings too.

I’m the live and let live type of person and while I’ve never been vegan I don’t eat much meat due to a metabolism disorder but I’ve decided to go vegan. It’s going to be challenging since my man is such a huge meat eater but he says he is ok with it. Well…, as long as I don’t try and make him become vegan as well.

Making dogs vegan is not natural at all. They are carnivores. Our dogs eat a large variety of cooked meat along with 50% stemmed vegetables and they are super healthy. They get home cooked meals daily. No vegetarian dogs here but they eat plenty of them and like it.

:044: haha. Too funny.

I had a vegan woman on one of my bottling crews back in the 1980’s. She tried to convert her cat to vegan but as it deteriorated she took it to the vet who said “Sorry but she’s got to have meat oriented sources of food for cats”. Dogs can handle it but not cats. They are carnivores not omnivores like us and dogs.

Yes dogs could be considered omnivores but carnivores bias.:mrgreen:

I have a number of vegan/veggie friends and they don’t try to convert me but there is a quiet persuasion you can feel. For example I wouldn’t invite one vegan friend to a barbeque because I know that he wouldn’t be able to eat anything there as it’s all considered contaminated & he would disapprove. Veggie friends are a bit more open minded. But it gets to be a bit of a religion for some.

I did try to be vegan myself, that didn’t work out. So I tried to be veggie, which lasted a month. In the end I was pescatarian for over a year. But I just feel healthier having meat in my diet and that to me is more important than ethics. You can’t go around making yourself ill for the sake of a principle. Plus I can’t eat gluten so that takes a whole load of options away.

I have thought about the guilt trip meat eaters are put on and I have been having the environmental conversation with vegan friends for a while. Rainforests being cut down to plant soy etc. The destruction of animal habitats to sustain our growing need for grains and veg. Surely that harms animals just as much? But some have said that so much more has to be grown to sustain the farmed animal population. I haven’t looked up the stats on that. Does anyone here know?

haha. Yeah I guess digger. But waddaya do!?..BTW That is the most ridiculously cute thing I’ve ever seen. Your ?grandaughter

The rain forest is being destroyed for use as farming lands mainly pasture for cattle .
The fact is there are too many people on the planet and we all eat too much .
I am not a vegan or even a vegetarian out of laziness.
Cooking is bad enough already without trying to think of vegetarian meals.
I wish however all meat was labelled then I would avoid all meat not prestunned.

I fully agree with that.

How do you know if someone is vegan? Don’t worry they’ll tell you :slight_smile:

I’ve only just found out that vegans won’t eat honey, as it’s produced from an animal…?..I can’t think of anything more natural than honey, strangely enough, I’m not too fond of honey, although I will have it if it is in things I eat…

I also agree with this! If we all ate a little less the human race would be fitter, healthier & the people who produce food, to create an income, could reduce their products & help the environment.
The real problem is that food has become a pleasure, rather than a necessity & marketeers soon realize that we are all daft enough to buy more of a well marketed product.

Forty years ago vegans were considered strange people, who may not get the right nutrition, but now the marketeers have made it fashionable, lots more people eat that way.
All accepted foods are good for you so we could eat well & be very nutritionally balanced. I would love to always cook from fresh, but lack of time & laziness sometimes make us resort to ready made, processed dinners that can be cooked in the microwave.:shock:

I eat meat, fish & vegetarian food but I have no idea on how to make vegan food. If anybody has any nice tasty recipes I would be happy to try them… but only when my sister isn’t here…she hates vegetables. :mrgreen:

No, just a gif I found on line.

Vegans have been around for a while now without making too much of a fuss but suddenly everything is connected with saving or not saving the planet. Everywhere you look now, it’s vegan this and vegan that, even vegan shampoo. It’s a marketing ploy along with everything else. Being a vegan will not save the planet, neither will eating meat. Reducing the number of people born on the planet might.

I buy some Quorn products which have suddenly become Vegan products but they still use plastic in their packaging.

Let’s face it unless there is a major castatrophe like a plague or world war the planet is Donald ducked .