US moves to ban abortion

Since in Talmudic law a person does not exist untill birth and so termination “in order to prevent suffering or woe” is acceptable.


I am generally not in favour of Abortion as a means of Birth Control.

If however a family member was raped her pregnancy is not consensual so Abortion would be perfectly acceptable to me.

Here in the UK we have a terrifying low % of Rapes leading to Prosecution.

I think this is very wrong, so is being a vigilante.

I would however, in the case of no Prosecution and a genuine belief in what a family member tells me, retaliate.

The system is wrong.

Ladies are not toys or lesser beings.

It is great when they say yes, but no means no.

That has to be respected.

But these days “ladies” are few and far between, most young women exploit their — assets — to get what they want and so it is inevitable that some will find what they put on offer being taken.

Its not true, this is the democrats stirring things up again.

The Supreme Court are wanting to overrule Roe - Wade so that each state can determine what abortion laws they want to put in place. The US abortion laws are abhorrent (my opinion) where babies can be aborted at full term or even after being born. This allows reform of the abortion laws for each state.

In return the Supreme Court judges have been doxxed by the idiot democrats, breaking constitutional law again.

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What a misogynistic view of women you have AT.


Not really, just the young slappers who schlep around putting it all on display at night in town and city centres.

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We have very different views of females AT.

A Randy lady is a great thing to find.

It is her body to give, not a Mans to take.

Even if she changes her mind at the last minute, that has to be respected.

Consensual Sex is great, I would not enjoy forced sex, so that is that.

Advice from my Granny.

Treat girlfriends as you would your sister.

In fact treat them better than you would your annoying sister.

That way you will have a good life.


This is not about sex / women who put it about ( I am appalled at some of the language on this a mixed forum)
It’s about domination of a woman’s body by rules made principally by men .


You sound just like my old ma-in-law who would come out with the comment,
“Well she’s looking for trouble!”
In other words she deserves everything she gets, and if she gets assaulted and raped then
(Young Muslim male’s charter isnt it?, they can’t control their urges so they cover their women head to toe to “protect” them)

You really are a piece of work.


But let’s keep it real. Most guys the possibility of impregnating the other part of the act when they get their leg over, especially in the case of a one night stand, is the last thing on their mind. It’s just a case of getting their rocks off - nothing more. To be truthful it’s the same with the female. Damn few want to concieve as a result of becoming part of the beast with two backs for a few minutes.

I’ve been told by medics that one of the side-effects of having a stroke is a loosening of emotional controls ; where normal restraint is usually practiced the opposite occurs - seems to be working that way with you boyo?? - oh don’t bother I can guess the response!!

How about we stay on topic? It might avoid an unwanted intervention or being sent to the naughty corner.

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Yes Todge, its always been a concern that one day the door will knock and an unknown will say, Dad??? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Yep, its tough, searching for the “Human” angle on many subjects.

You can’t even correctly guess the cause of my invalidity.

you stated it yourself on site - otherwise I would not have cited it?

Indeed, but it was not the principal cause of my decay. It was a consequence of a scarry operation to deal with a tumor. It has not affected my cognitive skill or function one iota other than increasing my irritability somewhat (according to the Memsahib).

that’s what I said??

A lot of the outrage in the USA is because fully formed babies at 9 months can be aborted and also straight after being born.

A lot of Americans didn’t know this.

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