US Election 2024 antics

Oops brexit

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That is called pay back and the Democrats started this and are going to snivel because it may happen to then. They should of thought ahead. Again falls into cause and effect.

I question things that look like empty name calling - which is ploy most often employed by the right. And explain “school yard name calling that brush stroke groups of people” - what, when, by who?
Who is degrading African Americans? (I think you mean denegrade btw.) Which african american? Give us a little help by explaining why you make this claim?

You should stay out of the conversation if you have seen the riots in the US and the cases against the rioters be dismissed or paid by Democrat fund raisers.

It all on the internet.

Name calling, check senile and raven school yard antics.

None so blind that will not see.

We had a problem with net migration before 2016 and the press blamed it on the EU. Many voted Brexit because big promises were made that this would reduce migration. In the 8 years since it is at record levels and no political party has a solution. The infrastructure of Britain cannot cope. People were promised local jobs for local people. That hasn’t happened. Instead we have been importing healthcare workers (along with their families) from countries such as the Philippines.

In your case Trump is coming up with policies that a similarly isolationist but does he have a plan? What is his economic plan and do you have empty manufacturing units just sitting there waiting for fulfill all these orders once his tariffs are slapped on?

This reminds me of a crying four year old “he did it first”. This is not the way grown up people address serious issues. If you think this is a valid way for senior leaders to act then I worry about all of your judgement and thinking.

Your leading this off topic, I was trying to figure out all the references were do to brexit. In which it appears none of reference had anything to do with it.

That’s fine. Welcome to politics. The US is suppose to put Americans first. One thing this administration has not done. The tactics that were used to prevent Americans putting Americans first will be used against them.

But let’s not bring to attention these

And the list can be a lot longer
Cause and effect

Brexit is a similarly protectionist eco-political move to imposing tariffs on your biggest trading partners. It’s not had the intended effect. Why do you think Trump’s approach will work?

I explained the basic intent to tariffs.

You buy the same dollar amount off us and we will buy the same dollar amount off you.

If you don’t we will put a tariff on it that will make more expensive here, in the hope of Americans will not pay for it. And if they do they will pay for the convenience.

Why should we, for example, buy $10 million worth of Japanese televisions and Japan buy $2 million of American grain.
Basically Japan has made $8 million for their economy. Make the dollar less valuable in Japan.

I can not explain it any simpler. Change that around to the British pound and the Euro. Briton would put an additional 8 million pounds into the Euro, de valuing the pound.

Retribution? What does that remind me of?

Because Japan (and Taiwan and China and South Korea) are really good at making electronic devices such as TV’s. America has never been. I remember my first visit to the US in the 90’s and staring at a lump of 60’s tech TV. By this time Asia and Europe were sleek, electronic more than electrical and just better. American electrical companies were alredy behind the curve. Then flat screen tech and smart TV tech came along and America has completely lost the knowledge for making this stuff.
So basically Trump is going to make Americans pay more for stuff they want. Nice. And China, Taiwan and South Korea will continue to sell TVs and other electronic products.

LOL, you’re not understanding world economics. Do a little research. An American company ( one of many) makes the machines that make everything that goes into electronics. They get sold to (some, just off the top of my head) Ireland, France. Germany. Japan, Taiwan, China and India. With out these machines these countries could not produce these electronics.

These United States of America has not lose any knowledge of production. Americans just let the lower waged countries (mentioned above) produce them cheaper. Common international business knowledge, which with these uniformed statements is not so common.

Another example that indicates the US has the knowledge and technology, we have to build some of the most advanced products in the world.

Let me hopefully help you understand. Not that you have clue about this, for example
A Mexican made Ram 3500 costs an average of $8,000 less than an exact
same, American made Ram 3500.
So let Mexico keep making those trucks but when it comes across the border it gets a 25% tariff added. So setting on the lot, the Mexican made truck will cost more then the American made truck.

We will all enjoy watching how well tariffs work. I’m sure Dodge will be delighted to have their profits reduced. Or much more likely they will simply up the prices of all the Ram 3500 they sell. Then the happy American consumer will be delighted to have to pay more for their truck, regardless of where it is built.

Now your understanding

it sounds like rubbish economic policy

which company is this and where do they get their inputs & raw materials?

It may sound like rubbish but that’s the way the world turns.