US Election 2024 antics

US density of population map :


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What! they’re all socialists?

The people’s flag is deepest red
It shrouded oft our martyred dead
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold
Their hearts’ blood dyed in every fold

… Then raise the scarlet standard high
Beneath its folds we’ll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We’ll keep the red flag flying here

… It waved above our infant might
When all ahead seemed dark as night
It witnessed many a deed and vow
We mustn’t change it’s color now

… Raise the scarlet standard high
Beneath its folds we’ll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We’ll keep the red flag flying here

… It well recalls the triumphs past
It gives the hope of peace at last
The banner bright, the symbol plain
Of human right and human gain

… Raise the scarlet standard high
Beneath its folds we’ll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We’ll keep the red flag flying here

… It suits today the meek and base
Whose minds are fixed on pelf and place
To cringe beneath the rich man’s frown
And haul that sacred emblem down

… Raise the scarlet standard high
Beneath its folds we’ll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We’ll keep the red flag flying here

… With heads uncovered swear we all
To bare it onward 'til we fall
Come dungeons dark or gallows grim
This song shall be our parting hymn

… Raise the scarlet standard high
Beneath its folds we’ll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We’ll keep the red flag flying here

Thanks Annie - that picture is a good illustration of what I posted in text.

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No it wasn’t the same outcome.
Farage won 46.2% of the vote, which is nearly as big a % as Harris, but he won his seat, whereas Harris lost.

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Now just think about all of this for one minute…

Those that think Trump is a hero and the best ever will have a hard look in about 8 months. He loves power, loves even more those that bow down to him, so in about 4 months in office, (May 2025) he will demand the powers in England stroke his ego and back his decisions to help Putin. The tariffs will affect the economy of England, the imports and exports, and this is just the beginning.
And if you think I’m wrong, remember how he strode proudly in front of the Queen when visiting, because he has no basic courtesy, intellect, forethought or giving one patoot for the company he was in front of, let alone respect for your country.

I’m marking this post and will check back in 2025. No, I will be respectful and not treat others as disrespectfully as Trump and his followers do.

By the way, I do notice no one has commented on the way the Democrats respected our Constitution, our rules of law, and congratulated this current win without the whine, threats of violence, and act as the adults Democrats are.

Trump would do well to take notes, but then he doesn’t like to use anything but a black magic marker on paper.

He is apparently planning to impose an extensive new tariff system to target all imports. If agreed this will knock the world economy for six. It will also negatively affect the US economy. I’m not sure how this is affordable along with promised tax cuts. I didn’t realise the president alone had such powers. I assume it has to be agreed by Congress?

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Isolationism has been done before.

What is Elon Musk doing in the Trump family portrait? Has he been adopted?

Too many tax cuts will affect the cost of necessities, possibly sending us into a recession.
Yes, Congress must vote to accept these tariffs and tax cuts, but if it is Republican dominant, they are too afraid to vote against him. Poor fools lose morals, integrity, and self respect for fear of losing their jobs by being voted out by the very people they were chosen to represent.

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Surely the US imports a fair bit of those necessities so a double whammy

I see Hollywood is already worried about the tariffs. Yet more programmes and films will be moving to Canada. They seem to be taking over in recent years as the cost of filming in the US become prohibitive

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In the US this was surely only during the civil war or during frontier days

you are proving the point of other posters- it is only dubious and a fraud when the person you didnt want to win did so. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Regardless of who I support politically - yes, fact is more people voted for Biden last time round

I dont dispute facts just because I dont like them.


[quote=“Bread, post:1244, topic:102453, full:true”]
Marxism and wokism was rejected at the ballot box as well.

Keep idolising your cackling dunce. Its hilarious.

I dont idolise any politicians - that seemed a trait of some Americans. Trump seems to have quite a cult following.

but that is just silly - everyone knows Kamala stood as a more left candidate than Trump

Obviously she is nowhere near Marxism though - and wokism is just a silly term usually meaning anything the person saying it doesn’t like.

Using hyperbole and derogatory terms doesn’t make your point any more credible - much less so in fact.

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Actually the only thing actually rejected at the ballot box was a female candidate, because she was female, too far Left, and little political experience, had she been a man she would have carried the election, really not much difference between Harris and Biden other than gender, so your fairy tales and misinformation leave you literally foundationless, another mouthpiece for fascism. If the Democratic Party returns to working for the concerns of working class America and produces a strong moderate candidate 2028 will be a cake walk, Trump had no accomplishments in his first failed term (but to alienate a nation), it will be no different in this term (other than continue to alienate a nation, Bread, are you Russian ?

Excellent observation.

Trump has wooed the most extremist of American voters, the extremist Christian Right, he went so far as to tell his female Christian followers were they to vote for him they would never have to vote again, implying they (through him) will take control over the US government making voting a “controlled” or none factor, much like his idle / comrade (Putin) in Russia has done over the years.

do not forget, more people voted for Hilary, and once the final talley comes in, do not be suprised if more have voted for Kamala, leaving Beard’s ridiculous declaration about US voters rejection of anything as foundationless as his knowledge of American politics. Political parties have manipulated the electoral votes through the manipulation/ realigning voting districts, this should be eliminated, if you have 5 votes and the next persn has 6, they should win, not be manipulated by voting districts, and if that is / was the case, neither Kamala Harris / (TT) traitor Trump has currently won anything.

Not even the imposition tariffs proposed by Trump on imports, and his genius following think the cost of goods will decrease with Trump in the White House, the working class / elderly / the poor will pay a dear price for this election.

How accurate is this?

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Another episode released

America’s Last Election 4: Pardon the riots

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