US Election 2024 antics

Interesting use of the word ‘Our’ Are you part of a worldwide conspiracy to oust Trump Lincs?

If Trump could do that, he would have done it when he was in office. He didn’t need to wait for a second term for that.

You’ll note that the paragraph that contained the sentence “The opposition from Democrats is transparent; however, our weakness in 2017 was not having the support system in place to confront the DeceptiCons immediately.” was copied directly from the article previously shared. Thus not from me but written by folk who align very much with Trump. Another clue is in the term “DeceptiCons” which demonstrates that the author is fully (mental) MAGA. And therefore, if you’ve paid any attention to any of my posts, it is also clear that this is not a point of view I share.

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According to Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation, Steve Bannon and pretty much all Trump supporters - nope. Their claim is that he was not able to replace all senior administrative roles with his own stooges as there simply were not enough ‘suitable’ candidates for that. His claims that he would “drain the swamp” were empty. This time round he is going to “drain then replenish” the swamp. Read up on Project 2025 and listen to what Bannon & Trump are currently saying.
Expect the worst. Banning abortion and liking Putin are simply the very early steps.

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Yes,he had some reasonable GOP’s like Pence (who he almost got lynched).This time will be all MAGA boot lickers.

I kind of read it as.

Spend all the money to winning both houses.

Who ever gets to win the Pres., they can be controled as such

So if Trump wins he could be controled and powerless, as well a a Dem one.

I usually use italics for quotes Lincs, and then people know it’s not something I said, or someone else.

The “Quotation marks” which @Lincolnshire used are a pretty good clue too! - it has always been the standard way of identifying “quotes” :wink:


English wasn’t my first subject boot… :blush:
But occasionally I use both methods… :wink:
And Lincs was rather generous with his application of “Quotation Marks” also, if you refer to his post…But I digress…

Maybe if you had read the original article, you would have realised the phrases in “quotation marks” referred to passages in the original article - if you refer to his post and compare the bits in “quotation marks” to the original article he is referring to , it seems fairly clear.
It does to me, anyway.

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The reason for that is that there weren’t enough people to break the law. Trump doesn’t have enough persuasive power to get Congress to make new laws, so anything he does has to go around the law. Most people who work in government aren’t going to break the law because in another four years, someone else comes in, and they’ll have no job.

I suppose he could get a team of law breakers together. But that’s what happened with the riots. Would they all paddle in the same direction?

That’s been true forever. If that’s what the article was saying, was there anything new to report?

That’s exactly what Project 2025 plans to do.

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Was there ever any thing new in politics?

Maybe more new to me being from the UK

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This seems like accurate commentary on the coming US election - predicting that Biden’s likely focus on the need for the US to remain a global player won’t land well with American voters. Whereas Trump’s claims that he can solve major foreign issues with a phone call or similar will resonate with increasingly isolationist Americans.

I was reminded of this when I happened across a copy of The Times from 2018. The headline read “Fears of Trump deal with Putin”. This was about dropping post-Crimea sanctions and of course pre-dated and predicted the invasion of Ukraine. There is no doubt in my mind that if he is president, Trump will hand Ukraine and the Baltic states to Putin.

Charges against the ex-president will almost certainly be dropped if Trump wins the election in November without a trial having concluded before then. The Supreme Court currently has a clear conservative 6-3 majority, including three justices who were appointed by Trump.

No surprises there then

This is Trump level of idiocy.
Thanks to his unwavering support of Israel we can see people starving to death in front of us.It’s a pity he didn’t choke on his ice cream

Looks like Trump might be the GOP candidate for 2024.

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Maybe not as easy as it sounds. People had to take massive drugs just to work with Trump. Getting people to coordinate when everyone is on drugs maybe not so easy as it sounds.

It is surely not a surprise that working in the Trump administration was chaotic and stressful. But Steve Bannon is already claiming that hundreds of candidates have been recruited and “trained”. So I’m pessimistic on this issue.

Trained and recruited to do what? In order for anyone to have any influence in the government, they’d have to work in the government. I’m doubtful that Bannon has influence over hundreds of people in the government.

Also, will Trump be taking advice from Bannon? They fell out in Trump’s first year, and Bannon is appealing a contempt of court charge. If anything does happen from that, it doesn’t sound very coordinated.