[quote=“Robin1, post:1808, topic:102453”]
How many other places require voter id? I think every country here!
Nope, not in Australia
As it happens I agree that the accusations around Musk’s hand gesture seem overdone. Many have raised their right hand to wave, or to acknowledge or indicate how high the snow drifts are that year. There is plenty to criticise Musk about without jumping on a couple of ill-considered gestures.
He’s stupid enough not to realize it could have been misconstrued.
I have no preconceived ideas about Musk’s antics and don’t much care what he did or said - but I am intrigued by your post saying that Nazi salutes are performed by the right hand - from the photos I have seen , I thought Musk used his right hand for the gestures he performed, didn’t he?
I thought Musk was just being overly dramatic and looked a bit of a prat!
Also, what has royal waving got to do with it?
Which country have a Royal Family which use that kind of salute to wave?
I have never seen a Queen or King in my country using those gestures to wave to the public in my lifetime.
(Although I have seen some old video clips, pre-WW2 - showing King Edward VIII teaching his young nieces to perform the Nazi salute when they were children - he was the King who was quite friendly with Hitler - he abdicated before his Coronation.)
Yes, that pic is a typical royal wave used by the U.K. royal family - it is nothing like a straight armed salute.
Oh, that’s how it works
You are being intentionally misleading here. The Himmler raised hand shown is done in a single up-swing to the vertical - here from the elbow, but also at times from the shoulder. The royals waving from the balcony are, wait for it, waving. As you seem unfamiliar with the term, waving involves moving the hand from side to side. There is no question that the royal wave is not a Nazi salute. There is a question as to why you are being so intentionally difficult and making such obvious false claims. Why?
Those a stationary pictures!
The original reference of Elon Musk was grabbing his heart and throwing it to the crowd, a jester indicating you have my heart.
But some want to exaggerate it as a Nazi salute. It is surprising when other exaggeration are used as examples, the same ones take offense to it. Then make or make excuses of “locked elbows” and when showing where that information is inaccurate, offense is taken again. Defending inaccurate information, offense is again taken. A good example of " we can do it but you can’t".
See my earlier post where I state this fretting about Musk’s hand gesture is misplaced. But your attempt at defense of his salute by showing a picture of the previous queen waving is hardly going to convince anyone that Musk didn’t make a dubious salute. It just implies that you are desperate for a picture showing that everyone does a Nazi salute all the time - but you picked a photo of the queen waving. Do try to provide useful info to back you defense of Musk. This will help when someone picks a good reason to criticise him - and there are plenty already and will be many more to come.
People want see Americans give a Nazi salutes and sharing in the intellect, people see other giving Nazi salutes.
That was not defending Musk throwing his heart to the crowd. I was showing the comparison between different people that some don’t want to make a connection.
I try to follow the level of the conversation.
Traitor Don continues to embarrass himself, makes the American voters look like a bunch of dummies. Once a world leading Democracy, now the laughing stock of the world, way to go traitor Don.
So they are wanting Texas too, doesn’t come much more screwed up than that. Then again, I doubt if Texas wants a Fascist State.
The bit of the conversation you skipped over was the part where there was a reflection that Musk has recently been strongly supporting the far right German AfD party. That party does have Nazi supporters in its ranks. So for Musk to support Nazi sympathising AfD one day then throwing up his right arm, straight up, (twice) another day might mean something. That something is either that he too has Nazi sympathies (possible) or that he is an unthinking idiot (possible). Or a combination of the two (probable).
You missed the part where Musk was supposedly supporting the Nazi party in England by supposedly giving the party moneys.
And don’t forget the people saluting above.
Your info is wrong. Musk voiced support for Reform, which is a lot of things but not a Nazi party. And your pictures were of people waving. You seem to be confused on multiple levels.
True. The One* he has on this qwerty. Is.
He was Actively Antiapartheid, when in SA.
Which coincidently is not DT’s stance.
The British Royals certainly have a long family history of supporting Nazis, though whether that makes Musk any better is a moot point.
What was far more worrying was that the front row at the inauguration was a line up of tech billionaires, I doubt their interests are the same as the average Merican.