Unpopular opinions - an amnesty!

What are man buns? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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You’re joking! Right?


How about plastic ones ? :nerd_face:

@Bratti …oh, I’d have to snip that off.


Haha! Hence the most unpopular opinions. :sweat_smile:

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And not a great singer either.

Ohhhh, I thought Man buns were this sort of thing


Oh my … that’s a lovely pair of jeans.


I prefer that type of man bun myself



I dislike any Buns that don’t contain a Burger, and folks who languish in bed when they could be posting.

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What on earth isn’t getting into you lately, Morti? Where’s your fighting spirit gone? :062:

What?:scream: Who stole Morty?
This has to be an imposter. :woman_shrugging:

She has been possessed by some dark spirit of behaving oneself properly. :grimacing:

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It may be an unpopular opinion but I sometimes think that using foul language is entirely appropriate.

As an example I think … you might want to click on the little pencil to see my pre-edited comment and decide for yourselves.

I see what you mean.

I don’t understand Mel.

I read your edited post and I often call men that.

Going against the flow is always unpopular, amnesty or not.

I know … amazing aren’t I.
But I am now good. And peaceable.

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Well I’m not going to hide my disappointment, Morti. You’re not just letting me down; you’re letting yourself down. :018:

Say what?

We will HAVE to change that. :blush:

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