UFOs - what do you think they are?

Never heard of that Vlad so looked it up on you tube

Interesting, but I still believe :slightly_smiling_face:


Whereas I don’t :grinning:

The Fermi Paradox seeks to answer the question of where the aliens are.

Given that our solar system is quite young compared to the rest of the universe — roughly 4.5 billion years old, compared to 13.8 billion — and that interstellar travel might be fairly easy to achieve given enough time, Earth should have been visited by aliens already, the idea goes.

So where are they? A few fuzzy photos of things in the sky is evidence…? Given that everyone and his dog has a mobile phone with a hi res cameras how come no one can get a decent pic.
It would seem that you have to be an American out in the wilderness to have any contact with aliens who take you on their space ship only to stick a probe up your bum. :flushed: What’s that all about?


Another one:

This one can be seen going behind a lamppost then under water…


Love it , even more intruiging

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Just noticed you have studied metaphysics and have an interest in paranormal investigations Susan… you should definitely start a thread about this and your findings/experiences :smiley:


7 posts were split to a new topic: Paranormal activities - have you experienced any? (Split thread)

At one time during my career, I was posted to LATCC where I rubbed shoulders with ATC’s and from their experiences it was obvious there were unidentified flying objects out there. Also with my occasional chats with civil pilots, such ‘things’ exist.
Then as part of LATCC I had to also work alongside military ops DD (distress & diversion) and all RAF assured me that UFO’s are military experimental craft and nothing to worry about. If they did not exist, then that was the time to be worried.

There is a forum I visit from time to time. One of the protagonists is adamant that these aliens exist with absolute certainty. I have challenged him to show a clear picture of them. All sorts of drivel but to photograph…


Of course we all want that absolute proof , me included I tend to go about seeking my proof quietly . For me it’s a kind of knowing , like I’ve said before we surely can’t be the only beings . When I started seeking 45 years ago life and death experiences I was such a sceptic, disbelieved everything till I got the evidence for myself . I’m still seeking , I think I always will .

I live in hope to see a UFO

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We just don’t know. And that’s the rub.

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In the early 70s a “UFO” was witnessed over Jersey. It was, in fact, a brilliant hoax by some friends of ours. A great deal of planning and artistry went into it and lots of witnesses came forward who saw it. I can’t say any more.

Have the ‘crop circles’ ever been proved?
Was the photo of the spirit girl taken on roll film (35mm etc) Susan?
And if so, could it have been double exposed.
Mum took a photo of my Dad shooting an air gun at a target in the back garden some years ago…The next photo on the roll was the QE2 in dock somewhere. She forgot to wind on and it looked very much like my dad was shooting at people on the deck of the ship…


I believe that the occupants are a future development of ourselves - countless centuries from now, coming back to study their ancient ancestors…us, just as we dig up bones to learn about life back in the bony times.

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Interesting theory Ian. We could have learned how to travel back in time but not be able to manipulate history, hence the reason why the visitors are not solid matter.
It is impossible to travel into the future because it hasn’t happened yet.

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I think they are the product of people being bored and wanting a bit of excitement in their lives.

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Yes Mr Smith, us humans do have a passion for imaginings, and even bringing them to life through films and books. We are especially good at it and I don’t think any other living thing on the planet is able to do this. It is a gift though, and progress is the result of someones imaginings and then bringing it to life. Perhaps this is the reason why humans have progressed so much and animals haven’t. If you can think it…It can be done…

There is an alternative theory though…

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OGF I can’t see it I’m not on twitter can you make it available for me please

That is weird, looks like the planes are chasing it.

I’m not on Twitter & I can see it ok.