Trying out new method

What on earth is he on about I hear you ask. when taking a photo say of for example a bunch of flowers what happens is those nearest are in focus and those further way are not.
to overcome this it needs a series of the same photo but some the front in focus and others with those behind in focus. Then comes stitching them all together so now everything is in focus.
A long boring job with an editing suite.
Not any more a lot of cameras have the facility to do this in camera such as my Panasonic G9ii. So it takes about 37 photos in one go photographing at different parts of the subject matter and puts them all together.

this is something i have never experimented with before so it is also all new to me as well. easiest way is to use a vase (artificial in this case) to try out Photostacking

so here is my very first effort. those nearest and further away are all in focus

normal shot camera focused on nothing particular (camera in auto mode both times)

so now something I may well be doing in the future. Using electronic against using a manual shutter saves wear on any moving camera part

Oh! I was about to post you a copy of my Karma Sutra realspeed…

OGF You could not even get into the positions for any chance of Photostacking. Getting your legs behind your neck times have well past :person_in_lotus_position:

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I like new methods, anyone on 74 yet

and don’t forget the moving parts

Or this ?

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You need to increase the Depth of Field (DoF)
Focal length: for M4T about 12mm is good
Subject distance: say, 3 or 4 feet away
Aperture: small, say f/16
Aim for a flower in the middle of the bunch.

See how in goes, bearing in mind you may want to crop the result, try opening the aperture. f/11 or even f/8 may give you enough DoF.

Dood whose photo your on about? Just wondered as I was talking about photostaacking which is different from DOF

Get yer camera ready boyo and I’ll give it a go…
If ‘Fat Betty’ can do it…
Fat Betty

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Yes of course. Just pointing out that Photostacking may not be necessary.

that may just confuse people not into photography, and the heading is actually “Photostacking”
Why not do another on DOF , I am sure some would be interested in the difference