No he is not good enough but hopefully he’s presidential enough. And the majority voted him in.
He’s all they’ve got right now.
No he is not good enough but hopefully he’s presidential enough. And the majority voted him in.
He’s all they’ve got right now.
Folks are in various states at the moment.
Yes, I heard Georgia and Kansas on the news. Not sure what they hope to achieve.
Democrats won the majority in the Senate by 1 vote Georgia was the decider and Kamala’s vote seals it
Entirely agree with you Dex.
Have these nutters got no other life?
Err, capitol means main city!
Capital means money!
Just saying JBR!r
Sounds familiar Minx ?
I don’t like all this at all.
Something big is gonna happen before long.
I wouldn’t even be surprised if something ‘happens’ to Biden himself soon.
Trump and his supporters are obsessed nutters IMO.
Read all this as fairly as I can. NO details. Just big picture. THe USA is full of nutters like those that support Trump. It’s always been full of nutters. It’s full of everything. It has more of everything than anywhere else. It also has as many, in fact many many more people that love peace, democracy and reason. People who see Trump for what he is. A Narcissistic, lying, megalomaniacal gangster. Yes he is dangerous. Yes he will continue to cause trouble. But he will lose. People like him always do. BIden is not good enough?..Well he was and is good enough to be elected president. And right now he looks light years more presidential than the fat, stupid blowhard that he beat. Beacause he cares about America. Not just himself. YOu have in front of you the most outrageous attempted ganster takeover in the history of the world. Every single court of the land says Trump is lying loser. Every single political commentator, news network and journalist with any credibility at all is saying Trump is full of it. The evidence is everywhere. Documented everywhere you care to look. Americe will survive thisand so will it’s allies…viz you and me!..Democracy will prevail. I believe this truth to be self evident
Keezoy my new best friend :surprised:
I’m too polite to put it as eloquenty as you just did
Lengthy but important. Here was my FB response to today’s events.
This is one of the few times have made a political post, but today’s events call for every last one of us to express outrage. I am going to say what our President did not.
I am a Republican.
Core to our democracy is the Peaceful Transition of Power. I remind our elected officials, extremists, and naysayers (here and abroad) that the will of the people as protected in the Constitution of the United States - trumps all. Each elected official has sworn to defend every detail of the Constitution - whether they agree with it or not. Likewise, the paramount responsibility of every citizen is to protect the rights of their fellow citizens and demand prosecution of those who do not.
Whether you were or are a protestor, a Democrat who boycotted the inauguration of President Trump, President Trump, Nancy Pelosi, a member of the media feeling the need to opine rather than report, a part of some pathetic underground insurrection, or someone who committed voter fraud, we are not going to tolerate interfering with the Peaceful Transition of Power or degrading the fabric of the United State of America ANYMORE.
Whether through investigation, our votes, or new legislation (akin to the need for the 22nd Amendment after FDR, who fighting giving up the presidency, sought additional terms that were customarily limited to two) if you are an elected official who has interfered with our election process or has violated the most minute of laws regarding the respect and transfer of power, we are coming after you.
It is time to dust of the US Codes, start up a massive investigation, and go after every single one of you who is defying the will of the people and the Constitution.
We are taking our great nation back. If you are in elected office, abide by your oath of office, the will of the people, and the decorum that comes with your office - or step aside. If you are a protestor, keep it peaceful or we are coming after you, too.
Good on you.
All Republicans are bigger than just one man. It’s now about patriots or traitors.
I’m afraid you are wrong.
‘Capitol’ is an American word. It is not found in British English, unless referring to the American word.
Good for you SM.
None of my business, but if I were a Yank I’d certainly want to see a thorough investigation of possible voting fraud.
If Bidet wins legally, that’s life. If there was some fraudulent activity, there should be some severe prosecutions.
It’s exactly what I’d want over here in the centre of the universe.
Bastards! both ABC HD and ABC News are covering the situation in the USA with live broadcasts and interviews.
I have got into the rather sad habit of watching the NSW Premier’s 11am Press conference dealing with the NSW Covid daily figures. Because of the situation in the USA this has been relegated to the ABC Live YouTube channel.
So here I am watching Dr Kerry Chant giving her report live on YouTube. Better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick.
Strange days
Isn’t polite disagreement wonderful !?.How civilised. Nice to see. Rather than…“Absolute claptrap in my view”…(see thread on beauty) HOwever…I agree Bruce. I reckon Kerry Chant should get the Order of Australia…and Swannie. What an inspiration they have been.
There has already been a thorough investigation into possible voter fraud. There has been no evidence whatsoever of any fraud anywhere in the entire process. The Republicans - apart from some who live maybe not in the centre of the Universe but in some sort of bizarre parallel one - have mostly admitted this. Biden did win - legally - by the statement of every court involved and the electoral commissions…and the governors… This is as much a fact as facts can get. I don’t know what more people want. Trumps supporters are not Republican “Faithfulls” or anything else. They are members of a cult. THey have been brainwashed to ignore the Law, The US Constitution, the democratic process and to believe everything their “fuhrer” says no matter how ridiculous, untrue and bizarre it may be.
ps…There is no centre of the universe. According to the standard theories of cosmology, the universe started with a “Big Bang” about 14 thousand million years ago and has been expanding ever since. Yet there is no centre to the expansion; it is the same everywhere…But I’m sure where you live is very nice JBR
One heck of a lot fewer following the disgraceful riot at Capitol Hill. It seems that many, including Republican Senators, who previously supported Trump have now cast him adrift.
One woman who had invaded the Congressional Building has been shot and killed inside the capitol when she pulled a gun on capitol police.
Please keep in mind that the beating heart of American democracy is not the president or Congress or even in Washington D.C. It lies in the American neighborhoods spread across this democratic nation. The beating heart of America is the average citizen who is working hard and trying to put food on the family table.
Edit to add: The rioters have been ejected from the Capitol building and congress is now meeting. The certification of Joe Biden, as President -Elect will happen shortly. It now seems likely that the Trump inspired riot has backfired and Congress is outraged over todays terrorist activity by an extreme minority of Trump supporters.
Well said, and I along with the vast, vast majority of Americans (conservative, liberal, centrist) would agree with you.
That Congress, that’s right, both parties, are in session tonight per the will of the people is proof once again that the good citizens of this country will not be dissuaded from the workings of our great democracy.
Hahaha. We are just lazy! Like all those extra u’s in color, labor, honor…
However, it seems that we have this one right! The building itself is the Capitol, borrowed from Rome’s Capitoline Hill and the even older temple “captiolium.” We use “capital” to name our capital cities is borrowed from the Latin “capitalis” meaning “of the head.” It’s confusing and we all suffered learning it in second grade, but tradition and all…:-D.
Hey SM, if it works for you guys it works for me…