Trump GUILTY of all charges

Everything is ok, the other guy does worse.
NOBODY cares about what is best for society, just what is in my best interest, so if a convicted criminal and a traitor to his country serves my best interests, he is the man for the job, no matter what he’s done, the other man has done worse, of this there is no proof, but because he lives/ believes different from me, it must be true.

From afar, that seems to be a fair summary. But surely this makes the fact that two separate courts have found Trump guilty in two separate cases indicates that Trump is fully guilty. Otherwise his wealth and clout would have seen him get away with it and most likely not even go to court.

The power of the establishment is infinite…They could make Jesus look like a rogue…Wait a minute… :017:

Yes sir, and that is , at a glance, a fair assumption, but we haven’t even gotten to the appeal process yet (we will), and that ( in all probability) could be taken all the way to a Conservative laden Supreme Court (3 appointed by Trump).



Thank you for your enlighting posts.

Some I do not agree with but the points you make are fair.


Thank you !
We will never always agree( and truthfully better if we don’t) sir, but life is about working together to come to a solution, which in turn, works for us all.


And there’s a Trump appointed judge doing her very best for nothing happen in the classified documents case.

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Raven I agree with Simon Schamas conclusion of his 3 part recent documentary on America. Basically he says the left and right are irreconcilable now.

The problem is left n right think so differently.

EG crime. My evidence for what works is Singapore (lefties divert by saying it’s not democratic but thats a distraction and irrelevant).

But lefty libs want to create a massive ecosystem around crime and so won’t entertain Singaporean tough justice because it stops kids getting into crime because the juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

I personally think lefty libs make most things worse, clapping bans for example. The idea is to privelege the tiny minority upset by clapping whereas a righty will prioritise the majority. Same with womens safety rights, no way will I prioritise a few men over millions of women