Trump GUILTY of all charges

Before you get all excited - I simply quoted what I found on the google search you directed me to conduct. I left out nothing.
Your turn - go find a European country that is currently defined as socialist. You show me. This will be fun. Remember - social democratic does not count. So you need to confirm the politics of the ruling party when you find all your socialist European countries.

Banana Republics always try to get the opporsition jailed on trumped up charges.


Let’s hope Mike was able to be as casual about it as you.

There have been some very interesting points made in this thread, one of the most important points I would like to address, and that is Trump warned Germany about their reliance on Russia, which is suppose to refute Trumps support of / by Putin. Trump is an opportunist, and his allegiance lies where it does his agenda the most good, remember, he was once a Democrat and close friends with the Clinton’s, til it became in his political interests not to be. The Russians interfered on Trumps behalf in the 2016 US elections in everything from the spreading false stories of the Clintons to hacking to money laundering, charges far to many to address here, but easily researchable, not to mention the many crimes he committed while in office from inciting an insurrection, the attempt to over turn a legal US election, and the only reason he escaped impeachment was because the investigation was carried out by the very party who supported him, there was not an impartial investigation.
The 2nd point I would like to address, any nation can claim to be who they wish, but that does not make it a fact. Liberals are ridiculed by conservatives because their policies are in general favor of society as a whole, while conservatives generally govern on the side of affluency / big business, and my final point, Trump was replaced by Biden with the support of many Republicans who voted for Trump in 2016, and in 2 elections, Trump has lost the popular vote each time, he was elected in 2016 by the electoral vote (which he lost in 2020).


I would like to add please, many of the “less extreme” of the religious community is starting to drop their support / denounce Trump’s candidacy.


Really cannot even say that, we have two weak candidates for President, and either could win by default.

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Please tell me what laws he broke and what he was convicted of?

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It’s here

TRUMP is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree

and here

Bruce I know what it says but that’s not going to be the end result. Please follow the case as goes through all of it’s appeals. It may not even get that far. Ye have little faith. You have to have an open mind and not believe everything that you read. They changed the laws to charge him. They changed the charges to felonies. They increased the statute of limitations to charge him. There is a lot of inconsistencies with our actual laws. I understand you may not like him but this case is not going to stand.


“They changed the laws to charge him.”
Could you be more specific please? This was not something I was aware of. Which laws? Changed when and by whom - and in what way?

“They changed the charges to felonies.”
Felonies as opposed to what charge? When did this change occur and why?

I’ve tried to find references to such changes in the summaries of Trump’s many court cases, pending and completed. My efforts have not revealled any such changes - so please provide details as this are interesting claims.

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Anyone who can’t see that Trump has been set up and hounded by the establishment (democrat) until they could find something to send him to court must want their heads testing!
If this is allowed to happen I worry about the American people. If they can do this to Trump, they can do it to everyone, and will, and probably have. Yes, I believe the the 2020 elections were rigged - by the establishment…


The charges were always 34 felonies. Trump committed them, had a trial according to the judicial laws of our land for over 200 years. No one made Trump commit these crimes, and crimes they are.

If it were me, and I had paid off lawyers confidentially, and misconstrued legal accounting to cover my devious ways of paying off a porn star to accommodate me, and chase me around my hotel room in my undies…I would have also been held accountable for my actions.

What part of committing these crimes,Trump did to himself, not the Democrats, not his confidants , NO ONE is to blame but Trump.

His camera shots during the trial after each day, accusing everyone else, distracting from the despicable acts he tried to cover up, is showing the truly amoral person he is. I cannot even call him a man anymore.
He’s a total and utter disgrace to our country. Thank goodness the jury of his peers saw him for the person he is, and declared him guilty of the felonies anyone else would have been accountable for.


I can also respond to some of these 34 felonies of fudging his accounting skills of his own organization for decades, and yet the prosecutors only went back a few years of discoverable evidence.
It’s taxpayers, myself included in New York state, who paid the price over and over each and every year, who paid HIS share of taxes for his condos, meetings at his golf course listed in his accounting deductions, dinners being a big man (needed more elbows to pat himself on the back)…
for YEARS.


This is key, far too many people simply accept what they are spoonfed by hideously biased toff liberals, it makes intellectual debate difficult

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Toff liberals? I see you’ve barely moved on from the term ‘champagne socialist’.
Intellectual debate? What - such as making up claims about changes to charges, or claiming there were no laws broken? That sort of intellectual debate?


I watch six news stations, and read our most substantial newspapers daily. ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, BBC World News, NBC News, MSNBC News. I do this to stay current with updates, factual news sources, even listening to opinions by newscasters, putting different and varied spins on any particular issue. Then, use my own common sense, fit the pieces together, and decide what the facts are showing.

Right is right…wrong is wrong. Put any spin on the facts you like, facts are this person deliberately and knowingly broke our laws. Over and over again. He knew he was doing it, had no conscience doing it, and felt it was his right to do it.

What a rude awakening this Trump has had…deny, deflect, decry…
and now, finally…defaced for for the fraud and felon he is.


Even liberals are pointing out due process has not been followed.

Smart humans should disregard tribal motivations when deciding what is reality and what is emotion or belief.


All the left leaning leaders of the G7 are deeply unpopular according to polling. The German coalition is like a zombie, Trudeau is exit-bound & delivered the highest housing costs in the G20 despite vast land, Macron is over 1/3 behind LePenn (she believes in big state incidentally), Biden is polling dreadfully.

So anyone who claims to be evidence lead will conclude that Starmer will almost certainly be quickly highly unpopular. He won’t fix anything and will fare no better than the Aussue Labour Govt.

TRUMP is on-trend with most of the western world lurching to the right.

In case my German debating pal here tries to dispute the German Govt chaos, you can Google German media outlets

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