Trump GUILTY of all charges

Yes, and not forgetting that the area in which Trump was taken to court is, according to the press, 98% Democratic in population. I have no truck with Trump, but at least he should have been given a level playing field.


Azz, I have no idea whether he is guilty or not. I do know that the jury was provided with flawed instructions, along with inaccurate and salacious information that likely corrupted their ability to make an unbiased review of the pertinent facts.

I am not questioning the jury, Azz. My history with jurists is that most take it very seriously and do their job conscientiously.


Good grief. The man went out of his way to cover up his fling with a porn star, paid her off and used his campaign funds for that. Flagrant mis-use of funds and wrongful payments to hide his actions from voters. Of course he did wrong and was found guilty.
He should have been found guilty for the bigger, badder things he did - trying to manipulate and change the votes in so many states in the 2020 election. But all those trials have been delayed.
Yet here we are with Trump apologists trying to claim nothing wrong done here, its the bad democrats misusing the legislature, look Elon Musk says Trump did nothing wrong (who actually believes anything Musk has to say?) and the trial itself was flawed. Nope. Sorry, your man is bang to rights.


The doctrine of the separation of powers deals with the three arms of government which should be separate and independent.

The Legislature - which enacts laws

The Judiciary - which interprets those laws

The Executive - which enforces those laws

If the Democrats (I presume you mean the political party rather than supporters of democracy) are able to influence the Judiciary and the Administration then your system of government has failed or is seriously flawed.


That is most disturbing but could be a fact come November. Put him on a pedestal the
perfect platform. He was found guilty because he was.


Bev Turner has shared this Tweet on Hunter Bidens activities

WARNING - disturbing images, viewer discretion advised.

Ask yourself how can these sickening events not be persued by the law whereas Trump’s far less serious stuff is?


Food for thought if Trump is voted in. One madman in charge of an all powerful country ie Trump and another madman in charge of another all powerful country ie Putin. Who will be first to press the red button. There can be no winners,

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Food for thought:

No new wars began under Trump.
Putin invaded under Obama then Biden.

Trump killed 300 Russian mercenaries, so much for being Putins best mate.
MSM constantly cons the public



Terror attack, Mannheim, Germany.

Footage all over X, truly horrific

It matters not who actually starts the button pressing, what matters is that either or both of them have control.

Food for thought 2

Putin invasion of Crimea followed the Ukraine revolt to oust its pro-Moscow president. Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that “the rest of Ukraine will fall … fairly quickly.” Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people “would rather be with Russia,” a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that “Russia did not seize Crimea.”

When Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine shot down a commercial airliner in 2014, killing 298 people, Trump sowed doubt about Russia’s involvement. He embraced Putin’s denials, even after US and European officials publicly concluded that Russia was complicit.

And in 2019, Trump infamously withheld nearly $400 million in military aid as part of his attempt to pressure Zelensky into announcing sham corruption investigations into Biden and his family’s business dealings. The weapons in the stalled aid package included the Javelin missiles that have emerged as a crucial part of Ukraine’s surprisingly robust defenses against Russian tanks.

Speaking at a rally in Conway, South Carolina, Trump recalled how as president he told an unidentified NATO member that he would withhold U.S. help and “encourage” Russia to do as it wishes with allies that do not contribute enough to military spending.

Trump is an isolationist and does not understand global issues. A significant part of his populist pitch is to reduce the US involvement in global issues. That includes not getting involved in anything Putin does in Europe or in other countries. That is a tacit green light to Putin.

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President Biden has let too many into USA, I thought our numbers were bad. Heard this comment reported on news, that if too many come to a country from the third world, then the country becomes third world. Migration, as in UK election on 4TH July, I believe may be a decider for some on who to vote for.


we should put Trump and Putin on the moon and let them fight it out up there

I am sure the Founding Fathers didn’t even conceive/ conceptualize of a convicted felon even running for the office of president…which was why it wasn’t mentioned…
Like AI didn’t exist then, they wouldn’t have said anything about that either.


I wouldn’t trust either to look after the moon.

Politics is a dirty business. But Trump is really scraping the bottom of the barrel as a world class leader This election affects the whole world but only those in the US get to vote. It’s his own fault he is in this situation. But his main talents are promising everything to everyone and deflecting all blame from himself

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Poor Moon!

Cohen responded to The New York Times on February 13 that he paid Daniels the $130,000 from his own pocket, not as a campaign contribution.

The rest are still accusations.

And with my 15 minute law degree, this will be dismissed in a higher court too.

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Trump was in office for four years and did not push the button but had stopped N. Korean missile test, plans to pull out of Afghanistan, kept Iran in check.

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World leaders appear to be cut from the same cloth, blow with the wind.

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Now What? (