True or False Game

False. My iphone is a damn sight smarter than i ever was.

TNP Loves ironing

False. I don’t love or hate it, just do it.

TNP is going on a Cruise this year.

False I did that last year.

TNP is going to bed now.

False. A bit too early.

TNP is enjoying a cold but sunny day.

Half and half really.

TNP is busy PMing.:mrgreen:

True…I do love to chat! :smiley:

TNP will be painting their nails later today.


TNP is choosing their next film to watch.

False. I already know what it will be.

TNP loves rock music.

True…Rock 'n Roll or The Blues aee my favs.

TNP has travelled on Eurostar.

No never been to the moon.

TNP once got lost in the woods

False, I haven’t.

TNP likes to cycle.

True. As often as i can but not so much through the winter.

TNP thinks TNP means Truly Nice People.

True but also The next poster.

TNP is thinking how can I get there and back without passing go.

False. I haven’t played that in years.

TNP has more than five odd socks.

True !!! Very true

TNP is hungry.

Nope, just had some Heinz tomato soup with a crusty roll filled with chilli houmous.

Buuuuurp! :lol:

TNP has dust on their spectacles.

False. I move far too fast for dust to catch me.

TNP has been watching Manhunt.

True and I enjoyed it.

Is it wrong to ‘enjoy’ a programme based on real life murders? :cry:

False, it could be full of useful tips :slight_smile:

TNP has been married more than once.

False just the once…

TNP is watching Silent Witness later tonight